Chapter 8

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Author's note: "hi" means that they are talking
'hi' means that they are thinking
* moves* means movement

Takemichi's Pov: "Valhalla". I looked at mitsuya san shock written all over my face. Valhalla? Wait that means that I can still save Baji san. I have to make a plan immediately and tell Chifuyu. This time I was going to save him.

"Um Gomen Mitsuya san but I have to go..... I'll see you tomorrow", I quickly said. "Do you need a ride to wherever your going, I don't mind" Mitsuya san rely. Thats really sweet of him but I don't want to burden him or anything so I quickly say a no thank you and left.

{Time skip to when takemichi went back to his house and he had already called Chifuyu}

As soon as I hare the doorbell rang I knew it was Chifuyu. I quickly made my way to the door and answerd it. "Hi partner", Chifuyu said with a smile. "Hi come in, I was just cooking some ramen want some". He just nods and took of his shoes as he came in.

{Timeskip to when they finish eating}

"So what's up",Chifuyu ask. Should I tell him about the time leaping and my abilities...... Well I mean I did tell him already a dozen of times so it should be fine. "Hello?" Chifuyu says while waving his hands in front on my face. "Ah sorry for spacing out" "Its okay" "Umm Chifuyu I have to tell you something..... It's really really serious.... And it might sound a bit weird and sound like I am lying" I say. "Go ahead I'm listening" Chifuyu say while his face turns serious.

{Timeskip to when Takemichi finish telling Chifuyu almost every thing. He left out the part where Mikey had his way with him.}

After telling him everything except for the part where Mikey rapes me, Chifuyu remained silent and had no expression on his face. I began to get a little nervous. "It sounds weird and stupid right" I say while letting out a nervous laugh. Chifuyu then got up. I started to panic a bit. Then Chifuyu suddenly wrapped his hands around me and brought me into a hug. Hah?
"That must of been really hard wasn't it", he asks. I can hear the guilt in his voice. "You belive me?" "Of course I do you don't seem like the type of person to make jokes like this and you were pretty serious when you were explaining everything". Then he broke the hug and says "That means Baji san will die tomorrow..... We have to save him", he says looking a bit sad. I then cupped his cheeks and made him look at me. "Don't worry I'll make sure to save him I promise", I say while giving him a smile. "Anyways let's start with our plan for tomorrow" he just nods.

{Time skip to tomorrow, before the fight with Valhalla, Mikey asked to see takemichi}
"What is it Mikey kun", I ask feeling a bit nervous. "Takemichy..... Are you feeling alright to fight with us". Eh? "Yeah I am why" "It's just..... your won't really looking well yesterday", he says. "I'm fine Mikey kun really, anyways let's go...... the others are waiting for us", I say quickly and started to walk away.

{Time skip to when Baji, Chifuyu and Takemichi was talking on the cars, also sorry for so much time skips}

"Baji san please understand", I say. I still am trying to convince him even tho I know it might not work. I had made Chifuyu look out for Kazutora and make sure to watch all his moves while I try my best to convince Baji again. Although it's not really working at all.

Chifuyu's Pov:
I've been practically stalking Kazutora and looking at all his movements. He was currently at the bottom on one of the cars. I then heard shouting, it was from Baji san. I immediately turned my head to see Baji shouting at Takemichi. Looks like our plan to try and convince isn't going to work out. I then snap my head back to were Kazutora was. I immediately paled. He wasn't there. Shit. I turned my head towards Baji sans direction to see he's already almost there. What the fuck. How the hell did he reach there already I just turned around for a second. I then started running towards his direction.

Takemichi's Pov:
While I was still trying to talk to Baji, I saw, Kazutora running with the knife in his hand. What? I thought Chifuyu was keeping an eye out for him. Shit shit. My legs then moved by itself as I pushes Baji San away and ran infront of him.

 My legs then moved by itself as I pushes Baji San away and ran infront of him

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(Art is not mine)

"Takemichy? Takemichy!!!", I heard my name being called by many people. Dammit I never thought that I would of taken the stab for him. Then pain shot through my body. It fucking hurts like hell how the hell did he manage to take this stab. I then turned around to face Baji san. He was still frozen and his face had shock written all over it. I then brought my hands to his cheeks. "Your not hurt anywhere right?" I ask his while making sure to raise his jacket to check. "I-I'm fine", he says. "That's great although I can't say the same to me tho" I say while feeling my feet gave out and falling. I felt arms around me as I saw that Baji san caught me and rest me down gently.

"Takemichy", I hear both Mikey and Chifuyu shout. I then saw them make there way towards me. Then I saw Kazutora trembling a bit and mumbling some things to himself. "Kazutora kun", I say. I then saw his head shot up towards my direction. I smile a bit and gesture for him to come closer. To which he did "It's not your fault, okay?", I say while holding his cheeks. "I-I didnt mean..... It wasn't.... I... I", Kazutora kept trying to make sentences. "It's not your fault it's that bastard kisaki, you were just manipulated", I told him.

Just then Mikey came and kicked Kazutora. Then Chifuyu came and kneeled down next to me. "I-Im sorry I messed up the plan" he says while having tears coming from his eyes. "It's not your fault Chifuyu plus look we did it we saved Baji san" I say while giving him a smile. "Ambulance... I'll call a ambulance" I hear baji say.

"Takemichy", I hear Mikey say. "What happened" I just smiled at him. "Mikey kun, Kazutora kun didn't mean it he was just being matpulated" I say. "But he...." I didn't get to hear what else he was saying because I soon felt my eyes close a bit. I tried to fight it. But I was feeling really tired. I can make it until the ambulance comes. I say to myself trying my best to motivate myself to stay awake which was pretty hard. The pain hurted a lot and was getting a bit unbearable. Then everything became a bit hazy, as I felt my self losing consciousness..... Shit.

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