Chapter 16

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Author's note: "hi" means that they are talking
'hi' means that they are thinking
*moves * means movement

Kazutora Pov:
A deal? He wants to make a deal with me? Why tho. I let out a small sigh as I looked him straight his blue ocean eyes. "What's the deal?" He then takes a deep breath as he returns my eye contact. "Kazutora kun you have no were to go right?" I just gave him a nod as response. "Then how about you live with me." "What?" I questioned him.

"I will let you stay here as long as you like, I will provide you with daily things and things that you will and all your wants and needs" he then says while giving me a smile.

"And what do you get in return?" I ask him while raising my brow. I am quite curious, just by letting me live here is quite a risk especially when I did tried to kill him. "Well?" I ask getting a bit impatient. "I..."

{After five minutes}

Takemichi's Pov:
"That's what you want?" I nod in response as I looked away a bit. "You don't have to answer me right away you can take your time" "I can give you a week or two if you want" I say still looking away. There's no way he will take the deal. The deal is quite weird. We'll it was worth a try.

"I'll do it" Hah? "What?" "I said I'll do it" "I heard what you said but are you sure?" "I'm not going to force you or anything" I say as I start to panic a bit. He agreed to the deal? That was beyond what I expected. I then hear him let out a frustrated sigh. "I already agreed didn't I?" I just gave him a nod.

"Then I'll tell Ni san, come with me" I say while giving a gesture to follow. Now that I got the deal part over, the next part is Ni san. I didn't mention anything like this to him. He's going to be so pissed.

{After they went downstairs and went to Akio}

'He should be in the kitchen' I thought as I made a left. Not long after I saw my brother leaning on the counter top and sipping what I'm thinking is either tea or coffee. "Ni san" He turns his head towards our direction. "I see the both of you have finished your 'talk' " he says while taking another sip form his cup. The both of us just give him a nod as response.

"That's good, I have been making some calls" "Calls?" I ask. "Yes calls for him" he points to Kazutora kun. "I am trying to get a place where we can put him" he says. What?

"Actually about that, Ni san I was thinking he can stay with us?" I say well more like questioned. "No" "But" "Hana you can't expect me to let the perosn who tried to kill you to live under the same roof as us do you" he then says. I didn't like how he said that at all. "I get that he tried to kill me but it was an accident, everyone makes acidents" I say while glaring at him.

Ni san seemed taken back a little. He then took another sip from his cup. "No matter how many times I may say No your still going to insist right?" He then questions and I gave him a nod. He then turns his attention to Kazutora kun. "What do you think about all this?" he then asks him. "What?" "I asked what do you think of this?" he then asks again.

"I think that I don't deserve to live here" what? I turn to Kazutora kun and he avoids my eye contact. "Why do you  think so?" "You said it yourself, I tried to kill your brother and that I shouldn't be living in the same roof as him." "Plus he's way to kind and sweet for me, I mean even though I stabed him he still offer me to stay with him" "I don't deserve that" I looked at him with disbelief. I then turn my head towards my brother.

He let's out a frustrated sigh. "Fine" "What?" I ask. "Fine I'll let you stay." "Really?" I hear kazutora kun ask. He just nods and then says "But in one condition"

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