I.I Headcanons pt 14

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A/N: It's back babey! >:3

1. Paintbrush is a real fan of bubble tea! The tapioca is fun to chew on and the sweet taste is oddly soothing for them! They often order bubble tea powder and male some for themself! Fan and Lightbulb occasionally joins in to have a sip.

2. OJ has plenty of stress toys in his room. Hotel manager life is stressful sometimes. He even snuck some of them onto the island in II3 and plays those offscreen bc he's afraid of being made fun of. 

3. MePhone4 sometimes misses MePhone4S, his younger brother, a little too much sometimes. It gets to the point where MePhone starts seeing 4S very often in his dreams. It isnt exactly nightmares, it's more of those cryptic dream talks you see in movies. 

4. Blueberry wishes he was taller and when touched on the subject, he starts getting moody and miserable abt how life's so unfair to make him such a short object. 

5. Soap loves watching operas and musicals! She likes to make ppl watch it with her too and always nags Trophy to watch them as well. 

6. Marshmallow has a Walmart uniform she keeps in her closet that no one knows abt. She wanted one so bad that she just had to order a set online and wears it whenever she's alone in her room, pretending to be cashier or smth.

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