Murder On Stark Street

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Hello everyone! It's been quite a while! First of all, I would like to say thank you for almost 3 thousand reads, and second, I have a big surprise!

This book has been revamped and rewritten into a completely different, original novel titled Murder On Stark Street. This novel is a secret project I've been working on since I finished Murder On Mystreet, and I'm excited to say that it has been published and is available for purchase on Amazon.

Murder On Stark Street is similar to the Original Murder on Mystreet, taking inspiration from the story line and characters, and some scenes are direct mirrors of the original. If you would be interested, Murder on Stark Street can be purchased using the link in my bio.

I am so grateful for everyone's support, this novel would not have been created without all your support on the fanfiction. Love you all and I hope you consider buying the novel.

Murder On Mystreet (MystreetXReader) Where stories live. Discover now