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No key this time!! (Y/N) doesn't have a big part this chapter... Aphmau and Alina do tho

Aphmau POV
I woke up tired as I always did. I haven't gotten any good sleep since I found Aaron dead. Of course, my sleeping only got worse last night due to knowing today is Aaron's funeral.

Aaron's funeral..

I can't even think about it without crying. I mean I knew it would happen eventually- we all die at some point, I just wasn't expecting the man I loved to be taken from me so soon.

"Mama?" I heard my daughters high pitched voice ask through the doorway. I turned my gaze from my lap to her small frame looking at me through the doorway. "A-Are you ok? Where is Dada? Shouldn't he be home from the hospital yet?" she asked, walking over and climbing up on the bed him and I used to share.

"N-No sweetie... Dada is not at the hospital but he's..." I paused, what was I going to tell her. That her father is dead? She's just a child, how could I tell her? "Dada is just sleeping somewhere else."

Alina tilted her head and looked at me confused. "Why? Did you two fight? DOES HE NOT LOVE YOU?" she exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes.

I shook my head. "N-No, we didn't fight or anything... he just..." I sighed, "Alina, baby, this is a little hard to explain."

Alina smiled and hugged me, "Alright Mama, that's fine." She jumped down and looked at me, "Can we visit him wherever he is? OH!! And can I wear my black princess dress from uncle Waurance? That way he can see how it looks on me?"

I smiled sadly and nodded, "Y-You can."

Alina jumped up and cheered. "Mama, thank you!! I'll go set the table for breakfast" she smiled happily, before getting off the bed and running off.

I took this as a chance to let the tears I hid from her, break loose...


I was fixing up Alina in her dress before I got a call from mom. "Alina baby, please wait for a moment," I said pulling the phone out of my pocket.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"Grandma" I responded, before stepping out of the room and shutting the door.


"Hello? Mija? Are you ok?"

"No, Mom, I miss him so much!"

"I know Mija, I know.... I miss Aaron too..."

"Have you told Alina what happened?"

I went silent for minute, my breath starting to shake.

"Mija? Hello?"

"No... I haven't... in fact... I don't even want her at the funeral."


"Mom, I'll let be her at the gravesite but I'm not allowing her last memories of her father be the ones of seeing him in a coffin!"

"Very well, if that's what you wish.. I just wish you'd tell her the truth."

"Mom, I can't do that!! She's just a kid!! I can't let her know.... I can't-"

"Sssh, Mija don't cry! Its ok!! I'll watch Alina during the funeral, we'll stay out in the hallway."

"Thank you, and mom if she asks about what's going on... please don't tell her."

I heard my mom sigh from the other end.

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