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A/N: 😈😈😈

Y/N= Your Name
F/C= Favorite Color
F/B/F= Favorite Breakfast Food
F/Ic/F= Favorite Icecream Flavor

It's been about a month since the double date with Zane and Kawaii-Chan. They've officially claimed the title of girlfriend and boyfriend. I'm so happy for my pink haired friend! I still don't get why she chose Zane, though.

There haven't been anymore incidents from out murderous friend since the Zenix scare. Everyone seems to be relaxing, and the whole of Mystreet is happier. Zenix thinks it's finally over, but I don't. The murder is still out there, and if it is who I think it is, they won't stop until the get what they want.

"Morning, babe!"

I snap out of my thoughts and look up to see a pregnant Aphmau waddling down the stairs. I giggle slightly, "Morning Aph!" She's only about three months pregnant and she's already the size of an elephant.

"What's for breakfast?" she asks.

"I was about to ask you the same thing!"

"S**t! It's my turn to cook, isn't it!" Aph groans, facepalming.

"Mommy!" Alina comes running down the stairs, her Olaf plush in her arms. She was still wearing her pink nightgown.

"Morning Alina!" I chirp.

She runs to me and sets the doll in my hands before turning to her mother. "Mommy, when's breakfast?"

"Uhh, we're gonna go out for breakfast!" Aphmau answers.

"Yay!" Alina cheers.

"Go upstairs with Aunty Y/N and get dressed!" Aphmau giggles.

I follow the three year old up the stairs and to her room. "What do you want to wear?" I ask her, opening up her shirt drawer.

"I wanna wear the dress uncle Warrance bought me!" She cheered. My breath gets caught in my throat as memories of all the death flood back.

I put on a fake smile, "Uhm, that's too fancy for breakfast!" I tease poking her stomach, which causes her to giggle.

Alina eventually decides to wear a purple shirt with a corgi on it, with a pink jean skirt. She runs downstairs to wait while I get dressed. I slid on a f/c cropped hoodie and some jeans. I brushed out my hair, put on mascara, grabbed my phone and ran downstairs where Aph and Alina stood waiting. "Alright! Let's go!" Aph called followed by Alina's cheers.


I sat at a table in IHOP, stuffing my face with F/B/F. "So, have you thought of any names?" I ask.

Aph shakes her head as she takes another bite of pancake. "Well, I kinda have an idea for a girl, but none for a boy." she shrugs.

I turn to Alina, "What do you want your little brother and or sister's names to be?"

"Bacon and Pancake!" she declares as she takes another bite of her Mickey mouse pancake.

I giggle in response, "Sounds like the perfect names!"


"Mommy's a watermelon potato!" Alina yelled for the third time before laughing hysterically. I laughed too.

Aph was shaking her head, but had a smile on her face. "Alina, it's not nice to call people names," Aphmau scolded, though, she was struggling not to laugh as well.

"But Aph, you are a watermelon potato!" I giggled, which sent Alina back into a laughing fit. Aph sent me an annoyed glare, but I could see amusement lingering in her eyes.

Murder On Mystreet (MystreetXReader) Where stories live. Discover now