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A/N: Before we start, here's the key for this chapter:

(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(F/C): Favorite Color


To many people, it'd seemed like a normal and happy neighborhood!! Residents having normal and lively chats with one an other, couples having a daily walk!!

But, the neighborhood was harboring a dark and deadly secret. Inside one of those many houses was a ticking time bomb. It was normal person who walked around and talked with everyone else and was a very lively along with other loved citizens. But once again, they were bomb....

And, if not stopped in time..... That bomb, will explode and damage will befall behind it!!

But fortunately, that bomb was far from starting!! That was, until she came....


The date was July 1st 2018, otherwise known as the day I moved into my brand new house in a neighborhood called "Mystreet". I had recently graduated from college-- first in my family, actually-- and since my parents were so proud of me, they bought me a house in this neighborhood. So, here I am in front of this large house with F/C walls and a slightly darker F/C roof. A lot of F/C in my opinion, but then again, the only thing I told my parents when they asked for house requirements was "F/C." Nonetheless, the house was absolutely beautiful.

I'm actually quite looking forward to my new start here, a chance to begin new friendships and possible romantic ones. I haven't been to lucky in the past when it came to that. The last person I was with hurt me very badly. It took nearly two years for me to gain the confidence to go back out in public. But that is far in the past and I am better than ever now.

"Miss (Y/N) (L/N), your things have arrived" a voice chimed in, interrupting my thoughts.

I turned around to see a large truck parked behind my car. Men were already unloading the furniture my parents also graciously bought. Did I forget to mention my parents are rich? Like really rich? They are actually owners of a huge company so they have the money to by me stuff like this. Don't ask me how they became so successful without a college education because I have no clue.

A few hours later, my stuff was in my new place and papers were signed. The moving truck had taken off, leaving me alone outside the brand new place I'd call home. I made my way up the few steps and inside the new house. It was really nice inside, just like the outside!! It had really pretty (F/C) walls and wooden floors, which I have always wanted, simply because having to clean carpets is a hassle. Plus wood always looks pretty.

Enough with the floors! The house has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a large living room, a pretty spacious kitchen, a semi large dining area, quite a few closets, and a finished basement, way more than I could ever need. What did my parents think, that I was moving in with a husband and three kids?

Further inspection of the house lead to me noticing the misarranged furniture. Did these movers not know how to read instructions? The blue couch that I specifically told them was to go in the basement was sitting in the middle of the kitchen, and the dining room table was up against the wall next to the fireplace. It was an absolute mess! It would take hours to fix by myself!

I mean, maybe I can ask the neighbors for help?

Before my anxiety could take over, I acted on that thought and ran out the door to the nearest house. I climbed up the steps of the porch and rang the doorbell. I waited for a few minutes, but still didn't get a response. So I tried again, and again, and again.....but still no one came to the door. Now, the normal person would stop trying at this point and move to the next house... but I'm not exactly normal. So I kept ringing the doorbell over and over once more, even pounding on the door when finally someone awnsered.

Murder On Mystreet (MystreetXReader) Where stories live. Discover now