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Y/N = Your Name
F/C = Favorite Color


Dottie's POV
It has been a week since Daniel's death. Seven brutal days since the most innocent person in the world was taken from us. One hundred and sixty-eight agonizing hours since the boy who I loved as a brother was murdered. To say I have been grieving is an understatement. I feel like I have been suffocating in a deep dark cave where no light dares to shine. The only reason I am still alive right now is because Rylan and Blaze have kept me that way. They keep my spirits high, constantly reminding me of what I have to live for. My best friend and the love of my life, by my side during the darkest of days. If it hadn't been for them, they'd surely be burying me along with Daniel tomorrow.

That brings on a whole new wave of grief. Daniel's funeral is tomorrow. It will be our final goodbyes. A long, hard, heart breaking goodbye. It takes every ounce of strength I have to not break down and cry. I will not cry in the car. I will wait until I arrive home, where there is no risk of me crashing. There can't be any more death.

The rest of my ride home goes quickly. I manage to keep my thoughts trained on anything other than the funeral tomorrow. When I park my car, I can already tell something is wrong. My stomach churns with unease, though I can't understand why. The door to the house is locked when I go to open it, so surely no one's broken in. With this in mind, I cautiously enter. Everything is normal and nothing is out of place, but my stomach still feels unsettled.

My legs lead me to my room. Instinct tells me that answers lie there. The thing that is putting me on edge is in my room. It may seem stupid, but I barge in with no hesitation. Nothing seems wrong. Everything is where I left it. However, upon moving closer to my bed, I see something that wasn't there before. A folded up piece of notebook paper lies upon my bed. Being the curious wolf that I am, I delicately pick it up, unfold it, and read.

"My dearest Dottie,
I love you very much. I want you to know that first and foremost. There is nothing you could've said or done to prevent this. You are so much stronger and braver than I ever was. I don't want you to be sad. Sad is not a good look on you. You deserve to be happy. I want you to be happy. Don't let my death haunt you. You deserve the world, Dottie, and I'm sorry that I couldn't be the one to give it to you. Daniel was my soulmate. We had a connection like no other. I would call it love, but it wasn't love. It was something much deeper and much more complicated. I don't know how to explain it, and I doubt you'd want to hear it. I am in no way gay for Daniel. Neither of us were gay. I loved you and he was growing to love Y/N. But there was something drawing us together. Something I don't understand, and I don't think I ever will. Whatever it was that connected us has been eating away at my soul since he died. I feel empty, like I no longer have a purpose in life. I wish I could say that my love for you is purpose enough, but it's not. You don't understand the pain I constantly feel. It is tearing me apart, driving me mad. I cant sleep at night, I cant focus. I feel like I'm suffocating. I feel like my soul is trying to escape my body. It is unbearable. Today, I jumped off the Phoenix Bridge, and I do not plan on surviving the fall. My soul will be free, my pain will stop. I will be with Daniel, watching down on you. I will be loving you from the heavens above. I will wait there for the day when you can join me. I hope to Irene that it will be later than sooner. Please do not make it sooner. It is not your time yet, but it is mine. I'm sorry.
Love Always,

Tears rolled down my cheeks. My heart was shattered into a million pieces. I only have one left. Only one more person that I will endlessly love. One was taken unwillingly and the other willingly. Immediately following grief is anger. Blaze left me willingly. The one I loved most left me willingly. He has taken away that which is most precious: life. He committed an unforgivable crime, one worse than murder. He took himself away from me. That is an act that can never be forgiven. Just as quickly as it came, anger disappeared and I was sad once again. So, I cried.

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