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A/N: I'm back! Here's your key!

Y/N= Your Name

I lead Laurance and Travis over to Aphmau's house where a neighborhood meeting was being held. I knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a heart broken Aphmau. Tears streams down her face and her eyes were red and puffy. Her hair was a rats nest and looked as of it hadn't been washed in a week. Her makeup was smeared all along her cheeks and she was wearing one of Aaron's hoodies. My heart broke at the sight of her.

"Come on in guys," she croaked, moving out of the way to reveal our whole neighborhood.

Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan sat on a couch, an empty space between them which I assumed was for Aphmau. The Shadow Knights took up another couch to themselves. Zane was sitting in a chair he pulled over from the kitchen. Then there was a group of werewolves standing in a corner by the window. I pulled up a kitchen chair ,as did Travis and Laurance, and we sat down. Aphmau took a seat in the spot between Katelyn and KC.

"Let this neighborhood meeting begin" Aphmau sniffed. "For starters, Dante..." she broke down into tears. KC and Katelyn engulfed her in a hug. I jumped up and joined them. As soon as she calmed down, she continued. "Dante was found dead this evening. His death came suddenly, only a week after Aaron's-" she paused again to compose herself. "Three of our closest friends have died in the matter of eight weeks. I think we can all agree that it's no longer safe to live alone." Everyone nods. "That being said, Travis, you will move in with Zane and Laurance-"

"What! No way I'm moving in with the murderer!" Travis retorts cutting Aph off.

"For the last time! I'm not the f**king murderer" Laurance shouts back.

"Then who the hell is it?" Travis hisses.

"I have no f**king idea, but I can tell you it's not me!" Tears welled up in Laurance's eyes. "Who ever that a**h*le is, he killed my best friend. I'm just as mad as you, and together we can find that mother f**ker and make him serve justice!" Laurance's voice was shakey and tears streamed down his face. Everyone was silent.

Zane was the one to break that silence. "Laurance is right." he murmurs. Everyone looks at him in utter shock. Zane just agreed with his sworn enemy. "We've got to unite to take this son of a b**ch down!" Everyone cheered to that.

"Ok, so Travis is moving in with Laurance and Zane," Aphmau announces. "The werewolf pups will move into Travis's house." she continues motioning to the four people in the corner. "Y/N, I'd like you to move in with me," Aphmau says, staring at me intently.

I nod, "I can help you with your kids."

She smiled before continuing, " three law enforcement people will move into Y/N's house. Their names are Levin, Malachi, and Ein." everyone nods in response. "That's all for this meeting, snacks are in the kitchen, feel free to hang out."


And that's the chapter! Sorry for how short it is. There's not gonna be any murder for the next few chapters, yay! Just some romance stuff to set up the murderous stuff 😈. Until next time! WackyWolf AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*

Word Count: 568

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