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Y/N= Your Name
F/C= Favorite Color
H/C= Hair Color
H/L= Hair Length

It's been a month since Zenix's funeral. The killer has been silent, Mystreet has been peaceful, but it's just so different without Zenix. It's all so quiet. Everything seems to have changed since the first death. No one's ever outside anymore. The street is vacant. Nobody's happy. Four people have died, and part of me still feels responsible. Everything was fine until I moved in. Everyone was happy until I came.

A knock at my door awoke me from my depressing thoughts. I sat up as the door opened to reveal Aphmau. She smiles at me softly, "Morning Y/N!"

"Hi, Aph," I yawn.

"Alina and I are going shopping, do you want anything?" I shake my head in response. She gives me another smile and closes the door.

Poor Aph. She's been there for me, helping me through Zenix's death.  She's been such a strong and supportive friend. Sometimes I almost forget that she lost someone too. She lost her husband, the person she knew for almost fifteen years! And on top of all that, she's pregnant. She's had so much emotional stress, she needs a break.

I hop out of bed and grab my phone. I immediately call up Zane.

"What?" He says harshly.

"Hey Zane! I need a favor!" I say excitedly.

"Nope, bye!"

"WAIT! Zane! DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP!" I hear a buzz on the other end of the line, telling me he hung up. "Dammit Zane!" I call his number again. He picks up after the second ring. "Zane you little b**ch!" I shout into the phone.

"Hehe, it's Kawaii-Chan Y/N-Sama!" KC giggles.

"Oh, well tell him my favor has to do with Aphmau!"

It's silent on the other end for a few minutes before Zane answers. "What?" he growls.

"Can you watch Alina tonight? I wanna do some sort of special girls night for Aph. She needs a break, you know?"

"Why didn't you just start with that! Of course I'd babysit!" he answers.

"Great! Come over at about five, OK?"

"Yep! Bye Y/N!"

"See ya Zane!"

I sigh. Perfect. I then quickly create a group chat with all the girls, except Aphmau. I message them all to meet me and Aph at Olive Garden at 5:30. They all quickly agreed, no questions asked. Great! Now to make reservations. I quickly called the Olive Garden and set a reservation for 5:30.

I ran back upstairs to my room and put on a F/C hoodie with some black leggings. I brushed out my H/L H/C hair and braided it. I brushed on a thin layer of mascara and put on some chap stick. Winter season is here and it's drying out my lips! I hop downstairs just as Aphmau and Alina got home.

"Hiya ladies! Need help?" I greet.

"Yes please! There are still a few bags in the trunk!" Aph said happily.

I skip out to the car and grab a few bags. Back inside, Alina is pulling out a new wolf plush.

"Thanks Y/N! I got the last few bags!" Aph says.

I smile at her and turn to Alina. She's already in the family room watching Disney Channel. I giggle to myself. She's so adorable. She's gonna be a great big sister. Aphmau comes back into the house with the last of the bags. She sets them on the counter with a sigh.

"Hey, Aph, anything planned for tonight?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "No, I was planning on binging Game of Thrones. The new season starts soon!"

"Oh! Well, can you maybe postpone binging for maybe a relaxing dinner?" I ask.

"Oh, Y/N! I'd love to, but I got no one to babysit Alina," she responds with a sad sigh.

"No worries, I already got Zane go come at five!" I smile.

"Really? Great! Thanks Y/N!" she giggles excitedly.


At about 5:10, the doorbell rings. I open it to reveal Zane. "You're late! Is KC at Olive Garden?" I murmer. He glares at me then nods and enters the house.

"UNCLE ZUZU!" Alina screams, running down the stairs.

"Hi Lina!" Zane responds, lifting her up and hugging her.

"Thank you so much, Zane, for watching her on such short notice!" Aphmau says, giving him a  small hug.

"No problem, you need some time to relax with friends!" he smiles. With another smile of thankfulness, Aph and I leave for Olive Garden.

About 20 minutes later, Aph and I arrive at Olive Garden. We walk up to the hostess. "Hi, we're part of the reservation for nine!" I say.

Aph turns to me confused, "Nine?" I smile at her and we follow the hostess to our table with all our girlfriends.

"Surprise!" they all shout excitedly.

"Oh my Irene! What is this!" Aph exclaimed.

"Well, I figured, you've been working so hard to make sure everyone is OK with all that's been happening, you ought to have a night to relax and have fun!" I announce.

"Oh my Irene! Thank you so much Y/N!" she cries, engulfing me in a hug.

We sit down at the table and spend the rest of the night laughing and having fun with our friends. It was a brilliant, stress free night. Something I think we all needed.

What's up everyone! Wacky here! How are y'all? I hope you enjoyed this little happier chapter. I set a bit of a schedule for this book. It'll update every other weekend, since I'm working on this myself now, I wanna make sure the chapters are just as good quality as when there were two of us. So I'm taking more time to write out chapters. Until next time, Wacky AWAY! *flies out Magics window*

Word Count: 968

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