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Y/N: Your Name

It was only a little bit longer until I was sitting at Olive Garden next to my boyfriend, Zenix. Across from us, Zane and Kawaii~Chan sat next to each other very awkwardly. As we are here now, I can't help but to wonder if this was even a good idea. We all were silent and not talking. Maybe Aphmau and I should've stayed out of this.

"So um, anyone wanna care to tell me why Aphmau forced me to go to Olive Garden?" I heard Zane ask, breaking the silence.

I perked up, "what now?"

Zane sighed and shook his head. "Aphmau told me she wanted to go to Olive Garden and wanted me to go with her...then last minute she cancelled saying it would remind her of Aaron but told me to instead go with you guys and um KC" Zane explained.

I sighed and shook my head, Aphmau you are such an idiot. "I honestly don't know, maybe she didn't want KC to be a third wheel?" I suggested.

Zane sighed, "why did she have to come then?"

This guy is to damn persistent! why does KC like him again?

"Because I was gonna go and invited KC and Aph, but then Zenix wanted to go..." I lied.

"Wait wh-" I quickly elbowed Zenix before he could say anything. "O-Oh right, definitely happened" he chuckled sheepishly.

"Right... Whatever you guys are paying, so I shouldn't be complaining" Zane said. I sighed a breath of relief, he bought it.

I shifted my gaze over to KC, who was very red faced and couldn't stop squirming. I knew she probably needed to talk. "Hey KC" I called out. Kawaii~Chan looked up at me. "Your makeup is kind of messed up, here follow me, I'll fix it" I said, standing up.

"W-Wait, Kawaii~Chan isn't wear-" I quickly cut her off with a glare. "Oh wait, she is!! I'm coming Y/N~Senpai" she fixed, standing up as well. I started to walk off to the bathroom, her following closely behind.

Zane POV
I watched silently as Y/N and KC walk off. I'm not gonna lie, Kawaii~Chan is very cute, I always thought she was. I would be lying if I said I didn't like her, but I wouldn't tell her this, after all.... Why would she like me?

"You like her don't you?" I heard Zenix ask.

"Who, Y/N?" I joked.

I saw Zenix frown. "Do you actually like MY girl?" he growled harshly.

I threw my hands up in defense. "Hell no! Trust me it was just a joke, I wouldn't like her" I reassured.

Zenix's gaze relaxed. "So you like KC then?" He asked.

Damn it...

"Yeah I do, what about it?" I asked.

"Chill, I was just asking" he sighed, "dude after this date you should make your move."

I felt my face start to heat up. "Huh?!?! W-why would I do that?" I asked.

Zenix shrugged, "I don't know, better to shoot your shot then lose it...just saying."

I mean, he's right, but me make a move? How the f**k do I do that? I'm too socially awkward and I'll just end up messing things up by yelling at her or something. F**k you life, why do you gotta make me live?

"Hey prince charming, our ladies are back" Zenix called out. I looked up and saw Y/N and KC return. Dinner continued with KC engaging in a conversation with the couple. I was silent but that was fine....

Because now I have an idea....

Kawaii~Chan's POV
The dinner ended much faster then expected and I was about to head out with Y/N and Zenix, as they were my ride here.

"Hey, KC?" I heard a voice call out. I turned around to see Zane walk up to me.

"Oh? Zane~Kun, what can Kawaii~Chan help you with?" I asked.

Zane was silent for a moment. "Could you follow me?" He asked.

"Zane~Kun, I would but Y/N was my ride here" I said back, which hurt as I would love to spend time with Zane.

"I'll give you a ride home just come with me ok?" He pushed more.

"Kawaii~Chan doesn't know-"


Zane let out a chuckle. "Well if its put like that, guess Kawaii~Chan is yours for right now" I giggled.

Zane held out his arm, "Lets go then m'lady." I felt my face heat up but I took his arm. We then both walked out.

Zane and I walked for a little while until we came to a gorgeous pond. "Zane, this is beautiful" I stated in awe.

"Yeah..." Zane cleared his voice, "K-Kawaii~Chan?" I turned around to the sound of my name. "I've known you for awhile now and um you've been here to comfort everyone during these hard times...." He said and I felt my heart begin to race.

"I wanted to say thank you for that."

And just like that my hopes dropped and cracked into little pieces. What was I expecting, a confession? Yeah right!! Zane wouldn't like me in that way!

"W-well, you're welco-"

"I'm not done" he interrupted. "I wanted to say thank you for that and that uh" he sighed, "I like you, alot." My heart began to race again. D-did he just say what I think he did?

"Z-Zane are you implying..." I trailed off.

"Yes, I want to be your boyfriend, the one to protect you during all of this, I won't let some murderer lay a hand on you! Not while I'm around" he said. I felt my eyes well up with tears.


I covered my mouth. Dammit, I was too loud wasn't I? I'll probably scare him away! I mean I did that with every other guy I dated.

"Is that so?" Zane chuckled. He walked up to me and in a sudden flash of movements, his arm was around my waist and he had his other hand holding my chin. You know, how you see it in all those cheesy romance movies.

"Z-Zane what are you- MPH"

My eyes began to widen. Zane's lips were on my own. I didn't even notice he pulled his mask down. His lips were very sweet and they tasted so much like cupcakes, that I found myself craving more. I started to kiss back and I was quite sad when he parted from the kiss.

"S-So does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend now?" I asked nervously.

Zane looked back at me with a smirk on his face. "Yeah" he leaned down and pecked me on the lips, "it does."

Mwahahahaha! Next chapter will be fun! This one was by Magic! Until next time Wacky AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*

Word Count: 1144

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