Laurance Ending

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Y/N = Your Name


My heart plummeted when I heard the sound of sirens. This can't be happening again! I was positive I knew who the victim was. There's only one person I've been intimate with in these past few weeks: Travis. My vision was blurred with tears as I rushed from my room. He cant have been murdered! Not on the eve of the anniversary of the very first death. I passed Aphmau, who was sitting on the couch hugging Alina close to her. Worry laced her tired face and tears threatened to spill. We both expected the worst.

I unwillingly pulled open the front door and creeped outside. Just as I expected, there were police cars in front of Travis and Laurance's house. Something was different though; there was no ambulance. My guess was that it was just running late. I nearly let out a wail at the thought. Even if Travis was still alive, he wouldn't make it to the hospital in time because that stupid ambulance wasn't here!

My heart sank deeper and deeper into my chest with every step I took. My eyes caught the green ones of Malachi. He held a grimace on his face that made my stomach churn. Somebody was definitely dead. I couldn't hold back the tears as I rushed towards him. His arms grabbed ahold of me, stopping me from getting any closer to the scene.

"Who is it! Who did I kill?" I practically screamed.

"Y/N," he said calmly, grabbing my face in his hands to make me look at him, "We caught him."

My heart stopped. They caught him? My body started to shake uncontrollably. Maybe it was from the excitement. Maybe it was the nerves. Maybe the grief. Or all of the above. Somebody had to be dead though. He wouldn't looks so grim unless somebody was dead. I tried to escape his grasp once again, to try to see which of my friends he took from me. I truly believed it was Travis, but I still needed to see it for myself.

"Who did he kill!" I sobbed, trembling as I shook away his arms which were still trying to apprehend me.

"Nobody," He says. I stopped my struggling and stared at him in shock. Nobody?

"He didn't try to kill anyone?" I whisper in astonishment.

"No, he did try to kill someone, but he didn't succeed," Malachi replies softly, finally letting go of my shoulders.

"Travis?" I ask.

"Yes," Malachi says shortly.

I swallow hard. "Is he still here?"

"He's in the car," Ein says, prompting me to turn around and follow his gaze to the vehicle closest to the house.

Taking a deep breath, I leave Malachi's side and slowly walk toward the police car. My stomach does another backflip with each step I take. The closer I get, the farther away I want to be. It's been seven years since I've seen him. Seven years since I've seen the man that practically destroyed me. I nearly gasp when I see who's in the car. It's Laurance.

Of course it's Laurance! Laurance is, well, Laurance! I was stupid to think he'd be smart enough to change his name. Clearly his change of appearance sufficed. I nearly threw up as the boy who I'd considered a friend for a year turned into the monster that's tortured me for nearly a decade. His jaw, his skin, his nose, his smile. All familiar, all haunting, all obvious. I begin to hyperventilate, which causes him to take notice of me.

"Y/N," he says eagerly, shuffling closer to the opened window.

"Laurance?" I reply, voice shaky.

"I did this for you. I did it all for you. You know that, right?"

"These people... they were your friends," I manage to squeak out.

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