
79 4 0

Y/N = Your Name


Surprisingly, the murderer hasn't struck. It's been a month since I kissed Laurance and everything has been rather peaceful. I'm starting to think that he doesn't know about either kisses. Why else would both men still be alive? But with the continued tranquility comes more stress. Each conflict free day is another day he roams free. It is almost scarier than the murders themselves.

Today, I am not allowed to focus on this. The twins are now two months old. They've grown a surprising amount in such a short time. Aph tells me it's because they're part werewolf, but Alina and I've agreed that they're aliens. Anyway, neither Aph nor I have had a day to relax since they were born. So, today we are going wine tasting. Aphmau is ultra excited because she hasn't had wine in eleven months.

It is a bright and sunny May morning, the perfect day for wine tasting. Zane has the kids for the day while Aph, KC, Katelyn, Lucinda, Dottie, Sasha, Laurance and I all go wine tasting. The winery is in O'Kasis, which is about a half hour south of Phoenix Drop. We take two cars. Aph, KC, Laurance and I are all in one car while Katelyn, Dottie, Lucinda and Sasha are in another. Aph drives us since she is the only one whose ever been there.

"Oh my Irene! It's lovely!" KC exclaims as we pull into the parking lot. She's right. The building is very rustic looking with a beautiful garden around it.

"Lets get to wine tasting, ladies!" Laurance says in a gay voice.

"Why are you here again?" I ask sarcastically.

"I'm being cultured, leave me alone!" he sasses back.

I roll my eyes at his antics and follow Aphmau, who is eager for alcohol, into the building. The inside is just as beautiful as the outside. There is an entire wall full of wine. Tables are scattered around the room with the main bar on the far wall. Aphmau eagerly goes to sit down at our reserved table. The wine tasting begins.

About an hour in, I'm certain that none of us are in any state to drive home, except maybe Lucinda. When we came, none of us considered the prospect of driving home. Now, we're all drunk off our asses, with the exception of Lucinda, with no means to get home. If only we'd taken one car instead of two, but that's a problem for later. Right now, I'm stress free and having fun. Nothing is going to ruin that, not while there's unhealthy amounts of wine in me.

"Oh my Irene! Y/N, you have to try this one!" Aphmau exclaims drunkenly, offering me her glass full of a deep red wine. I happily take the drink and grace myself with a small sip. I burst out laughing.

"Aph, we've tried this one already!" I giggle.

"Really? Well, it's damn good!" she replies with an equal amount of giggles.

"Aph, I think you've had too much to drink!" Laurance announces with a drunken laugh.

"So have you, Laurance!" Aph retorts, waving her hand in the air and knocking over Katelyn's glass of wine.

"Aphmau! You spilled my wine!" the bluenette whines.

"So what!" Aphmau replies sassily.

"Aphmau-Senpai, I don't think that was a good idea!" KC slurs. At least one of us still has some sense.

"I think it was a brilliant idea!" the raven haired mother shouts back. She then whispers loudly in my ear, "What was my idea?"

"Provoking Katelyn," I whisper back, equally as loud.

"Oh no, that was a horrible idea!" she shrieks.

"I think it's time to be done. No more wine for you," Lucinda, the only semi sober one, announces.

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