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(Y/N) = Your Name
(F/F) = Favorite Food

(Y/N)'s POV
I headed over to the boys house for lunch, after all they offered to make (F/F)... How could I refuse?

Once we got inside Garroth and I sat at the table while Laurance went to the kitchen to cook. "So (Y/N) I never asked this but, where are you from?" Garroth asked, which I assumed was to start a conversation, that way we weren't silent.

"Well, I'm from a town called Phoenix Drop!!" I answered brightly.

Garroth's eyes widened. "Really?? Did you go to high school at Phoenix Drop High??" Garroth asked, jumping up and leaning across the table, way too close to my face.

I felt my face heat up slightly at his closeness. "W-Well, yeah I did" I awnsered in a stutter.

Garroth backed away and sat down. "Really?? I wonder why we didn't see you!" Garroth paused, "Wait, how old are you exactly?"

Just as those words left his mouth, Laurance came in and smacked Garroth on the head with his hand. "Laurance, what the f**k dude!! That hurt" Garroth exclaimed, massaging his head.

Laurance, on the other hand, only glared. "You should know better then to ask a lady her age!!" he said, scolding Garroth.

Garroth huffed with annoyance in response. "Whatever, get back to the kitchen.." he mumbled, crossing his arms. Laurance sighed and walked off.


The rest of the time was mainly spent in silence, neither of us knew what to say anyone. Lucikly, Laurance came out just in time, holding lunch. He sat down placing the food on the table, giving a couple glances between us two. He started to dig into his lunch so Garroth and I Followed.

"Wow!! Laurance, your cooking is awesome!!" I exclaimed threw chews of the delicious meal.

"Yeah, in fact Laurance is going to be cooking for the fourth of july party in a couple days" Garroth said, causing Laurance to finally speak.

"Actually now that you mention it" Laurance turned to me, "(Y/N) you should come to the party!! It'll help you get along with everyone and its pretty awesome."

I thought for a minute before nodding and giving them a warm smile, "I'd love to go"


Okay, so this short lil chapter was written by Magic! Hope you enjoyed! Next ones a long one! Wacky AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*

Word Count: 403

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