Part 7

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"Xantium approaching Tranquility Base." Optimus voice rang through the muffs.

"You're a go for landing." One of the officers spoke. Both Optimus and Ratchet were sent. We could see a big screen showing us the cameras from the rovers they sent with the two.

"We're entering the Ark." Optimus announced. We could see them walking around as they came to a sudden stop. He kneeled down and touched something as the floor of the ark began opening. What looked like four floating pillars surrounded a laying down robot. Sentinel, I assume. One pillar was floating horizontally but glowed red.

"His levels are faint." Ratchet spoke up. He took the one that glowed red. "He locked himself away to guard the pillars."

"Sentinel. You're coming home, old friend." Optimus said, picking up the unconscious autobot.

"Alright, get him to the ship and come back. We'll see what we can do to help him."

"Bowie?" Ratchet asked.

"I'm back boys."

"Good to hear you again." Optimus said.

"Good to be heard from again." I took off my headphones and gave them back before standing up. "Alright, let's bring them back safe and in one piece."

"Yes, Ma'am!" The officers said. I turned around and saw Jazz waving at me. I smiled and walked to him. He lowered himself and I gave his metal face a big hug.

"Aw missed me that much, kid?" He teased.

"Says the one who hogs the webcam every call." I shot back.

"Alright, alright." He said chuckling. Sideswipe came up next to Jazz.

"Sideswipe, good to see you again."

"You as well, kid." I nodded.

"Mrs. Manuela?" I heard my name being called. I turned to see a guy with a mechanical jumpsuit.


"You must be Chris' wife. I'm his assistant. My name's Joe. It's an honor to meet you."

"Thank you. Is there something you need?" I asked.

"Yes! If you could come with me?" I nodded and walked with him. Jazz, Sideswipe, and Ironhide followed us. "You see, your husband had an idea. And he was granted to work on his idea. We thought about ways we could possibly construct our own autobot."

"Your own autbot? Why?"

"Government saw how badly both Mission City and Egypt played out, in destruction. And when they saw how many Decepticons came down to earth and overpowered us, they ordered us to try and make them to help fight along side the autobots."

"And Chris was apart of the plan?"

"He was our captain. But due to them being a metal that is non-existent to Earth, we used Titanium and Tungsten, but it failed to, how should I put this? Oh, sustain the blast from their weapons and hits. A new recent discovery was made, a new metal. We're currently still mining it but we did a few tests and it is good enough to take a good amount from their attacks."

"I see. What is it called?"

"Tuskniite." I nodded.

"And how did building the autobot come out?"

"We are almost finished! Ratchet, Ironhide, and Que were helpful enough to assist us. Or in this case let us assist them."

"So what seems to be the problem? The coding?" He shook his head.

"As much as we tried with the power, it won't turn on. Optimus explained that if we had power from the All spark, we could possibly make it come to life. But since it was destroyed...well we're unsure how to turn it on."

"And what does this have to do with me?"

"Both Optimus and Ratchet believe that you carry some power of the All Spark." Jazz spoke. I stopped and turned to him.

"What? Why?"

"We're not too sure ourselves. Optimus said he felt the power of the All spark when you and Sam had resurrected him."

"Wh-Oh..." I remembered that day. And that strange thing that felt as if it were a dream. That dream. The primes. I met the primes. How could I not forget? Six different pair of blue optics. 'the last of the All Spark, which has been given to you and accepted by it, has been earned by you.' I heard in my head. "...I'll see what I can do. Though I doubt it'll do much."

"Thank you. Oh, this way." He motioned. We followed him into another room with a gigantic door way.

"This is where we help fix the auotbots and also building the prototype." I looked around and nodded. A large curtain caught my eye. "Max! Open the curtain!"

Said person pulled a metal chain down and the curtain swayed to the right as they moved to the left. Soon enough the curtain was entirely moved and a gigantic metal robot. It had female features. It was grey metal. Reminded me of the Acrees and Chromia, without the pink and purple.

"If it was on...what would be it's alt-form?"

"Oh, we thought about it and brought in an Auston Martin Vulcan and we were told once it takes shape of it's first alt-form the choice would also be it's color. We can get the paint job done just choose a color."

"Indigo." I said. He nodded and asked for an indigo paint job for the car.

"Well, how do you like it?"

"It's beautiful." I said looking up at it's motionless dead face. "I'm sure it'll be far more beautiful once we get it to turn on." He nodded agreeing with me.

"Ratchet added some Cybertronian quirks and energon to it." Ironhide said.

Guardian of the Autobots Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now