Part 9

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The three bots had stayed there for hours explaining the simplest things and the war between autobots and decepticons. Then they had to explain the difference between the two factions. That they were the good guys and the 'cons were the bad guys. Then they had to go deeper in explaining the difference between good and bad. Luckily she was a fast learner.

"If I do not like them. They are my enemy?"

"In a way, yes you could say that."

"Hmm...The war...the Decepticons fight for control and autobots fight for freedom...we are the rebels and they are the empire..."

"How do you know about Star Wars?" Jazz asked.

"I see her memories."

"You see what she see's and her memories and thoughts?" Jazz asked.


"Does that mean she'll remember this conversation?"

"I believe so." They nodded with the newfound information. She had found the autobot insignia on her ankle similar to Bowie's metal leg.

"So, what about Bowie? What happens to her...inside you?" Ironhide asked.

"She is recharging. It seems that she will be unconscious when I am awaken."

"So in a way, she's your spark. Without her you'll be offline."

"Yes. Though I know of some things. It seems that what she sees and remembers, I know."

"Guys! Car's here!' They heard Joe's voice call out. It was a purple slim car. It looked very nice.

"Will this be my 'alt-form'?" She asked looking at it. She poked it.

"In a way, yes. You'll have to scan it and then transform into it. Ratchet should have inputed the basics in transformation." Ironhide said.

"I see." She turned her body towards the car and kneeled down to it. Blue light projected from the corner of where her optics laid. Her interface showed her the anatomy of the car, its engine, design, and color.

"Scanning: Complete. Transformation will begin." She announced. Everyone backed away from her and parts of her body began dismantling and she lowered her body and then she slowly began looking exactly like the car until she fully transformed into her alt-form. Bowie's unconscious body sat in the driver's seat.

"Bowie!" Joe ran to the side of the car and opened the car and shook her. "Bowie!"

"...mmm..." She muttered. Joe sighed in relief. She's not dead.

"She's okay! She's fine!"

"I cannot harm her. If she is harmed, I am harmed." She spoke through the radio com.

"So if you die..."

"Correct. She dies with me." Mercy finished. This silenced everyone them. It was then there that they realized the cost of the new autobot. Joe cleared his throat.

"Well...I suggest we should stop. Bowie looks a bit pale. She'll rest on her own for now. We'll see what we can do to keep you awake without having Bowie inside of you.

"Very well. I will recharge in the mean time." Mercy said. Her engine turned off and Joe pulled Bowie out the car and handed her to Jazz. They took her to Chris' room.


It was night time and both Optimus and Ratchet were on their way back. I had woken up and found myself in Chris' room. I guess Jazz had someone put me inside seeing as how they can't fit through the door. I stood up and felt a bit weak.

"Mercy takes a lot out of me. I'll need to work on that with her..." Suddenly I heard my radio go off.

"We got an Energon reading!" What?

"Back up is on the way." I heard. I hurried to put on my clothes and my lift boot on me and grabbed my gun from the armory closet and ran outside to the front gate. I noticed Bee. I whistled to him. He turned to me.

"Take me to the front gate!" He chirped and transformed to his Camaro. I got in and we drove off. I flipped the switch from safety on to off and placed two big bullets into the cylinder then pulled back the lever and held in in my holster.

"BEE! IS BEE IN THERE?! BOWIE!!" I went wide eye.

"Was that Sam?? I muttered "Bee go!" He honked and drove faster. We made a sudden turn out of the tunnel and we were outside. We drove along the the wall and he began trasnforming. He grabbed me and jumped over the wall and fence landing in front of the guards.

"That's my car and friend!" Sam shouted.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?" I shouted. Bee held his big gun towards them

"Commander Manuela!" They called as they went into a saluting position.

"Bee, down." He lowered me down and I saw Sam on the ground, a blonde girl, and the two mini ex-decepticons, Wheelie and Brains.

"Commander, I'm sorry you had to come we-"

"Enough, soldier."

"Yes, Ma'am." He muttered. HE backed away. I turned to Sam.

"Kid, what the hell are you doing here? Don't you have work tomorrow?"

"Bowie, Bee, come here." I raised a brow and followed him. Bee hesitated, "Bee! Come here!"

"Come one! - Sam..."

"What is your deal, huh? I know your black ops stuff is important to you. I'm not trying to diminish it or, you know, guilt-trip you or anything," I saw other soldiers surrounded us. I motioned for them to stand down. They did but kept on high alert. "I just never see you anymore. You can't come to the garage, just hang out one night? An-and you too Bowie."

"Huh? Kid, as much as I'd like a break, I barely had one raising my kid."

"Oh yeah, you're a mom now, huh? Cherry was it?"

"Sherry." I corrected him.

"Congrats, by the way."


"Sam- That makes me- feel bad" Bee said, rubbing his neck.

"Well, yeah, I hope you feel bad. You should feel bad. Look at the jalopy I'm driving now. I feel bad every single day." Bee slupped his shoulders back and groaned. I patted his legs. Sam was walking away.

"Sam, you can't get mad at him. I tried to get him some time to visit, but the higher ups won't let him. If he was still you guardian and you were in danger, that'd be another story."

"Yeah yeah I know!"

"Commander! Lennox wants to see them." The same soldier who I told him to shut up said. I nodded.

"Come on. I doubt you'd come here just to guilt trip Bee."

Guardian of the Autobots Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now