Part 20

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"Okay, so. If all of them are capture, we're the only ones left. As for Sam and the others, they should have reached the bridge by now. I'm not sure how long until Sentinel turns those pillars on, but I know we don't have much time." Mercy said as she looked over and had her Optimus zoom in on the tower. Sentinel was still on the tower with Megatron.

"We may be short handed of autobots, but that cannot stop us."

"Hah! Like they say, Rome wasn't built in a day-"

"But it was burned down in one." Optimus finished her sentence. She grinned and cocked her guns.

"Let's bring them down, big guy."

"I'm with you." He said giving her a reassuring smile. They began climbing down the building and make their way to the bridge. As they tried their best to avoid nearby Decepticons they saw a light shoot out from somewhere and reached the sky. They began running towards the tower only to be met with a horrible scene. Que was surrounded by decepticons and then shot in the chest by who I recognized as Barricade.

"NOO!! QUE!!" Bowie screamed inside. Mercy tried to run but Optimus held her back. His Optimus held anger in them, he had witnessed his friend die.

"I'm sorry bowie...I'll have to break that promise...Thank you-Argh!" Bowie went wide eye hearing his voice through the comms.She closed her eyes shut and clenched her fists, her nails digging into her skin as it turned red. She glared at the hud screen and screamed. Marcy muffled her voice yet it was still heard by Optimus. She could see Soundwave pulling Bee to the middle to execute next. Mercy shook Optimus off of her and began running towards the bridge which was now down.

"BUMBLEBEE!!" Mercy screamed. Bee turned towards her and gave her a smile before looking down to a wrecked car. She aimed her cannon at the decepticon behind him but couldn't get a good aim. She slashed the near by decepticons who tried to get in her way. Then they frooze. Everyone did. As they looked up, one of their larger ships was falling down dropping the smaller ships. Some dropped on top of the decepticons- killing them in the process. Bowie grinned.

"AUTOBOTS! ATTACK!!" Bowie/Mercy screamed into the comms and air. She shot her cannon into a decpticon who tried to attack her only to get their head blown off its body.

"FREEDOM!" Sideswipe shouted cutting the decepticon behind him in half. It then became an all out war.

"NO MERCY! NO SURRENDER!" Mercy shouted as she impaled one in its chest and used it as a weapon to throw at two decepticons who surrounded Ratchet.


"Wheelie? Where are you guys?!"

"Who else do you think brought down the mother ship?"

"You two...get out of there!" Bowie yelled. "Don't you dare go back on your promise you afts!"

"We'll try, Bowie. "

"You fucking better."

"Bowie you still alive?"

"Lennox you son of a-"

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"Hah! What's your position?"

"We got 3 teams surrounding a group of five with shockwave below us. Snipers are going to take out their eyes while ground team takes their legs."

"Let me guess, your team's going to drop on them?"

"You got it."

"Don't you die on me Lennox. You still owe me."

"Don't you owe me?"

"I'll send the wreckers for backup." Bowie switched comms to the autobot's channel. "Wreckers! Go back up Lennox's team. Give them hell! Auotbots follow behind!"

"Fuc' yea!" Leadfoot shouted. Mercy transformed back into a car and Bowie sat in her seat panting. Being used as a life support wasn't exactly easy. Mercy trailed behind the autobots. She could sense her spark's tiredness. She stayed silent, knowing that convincing her to rest isn't an option.

"Sam!" Bowie called into her comms tiredly. "No matter what- You get into that tower and you stop those pillars! I-ll-I'll join you soon!"

"Understood!" The autobots arrived to their destination and began transforming and attacking the remaining decepticons. Mercy did not transform.

"Me-mercy transform!"

"Please go into a deep sleep while I do the work. You are tired, you must rest."

"I'll rest when we win. I promise."

"...Very well." Mercy begun her transformation and quickly shot at a decepticon in the head who tried to crawl away.

"It's our world now! Commence transport!" Sentinel's voice boomed through the wrecked city. Mercy looked up and Bowie glared at him. In the sky they could see something covering the sky, metal likes things forming a pentagon everywhere.

"Optimus where the hell are you?!" Bowie screamed.

"I am here!" His voice echoed through the street and comms. Mercy looked behind and saw a flying figure grow closer. She grinned and ran towards the middle slashing through her enemies with the other autobots by her side. She looked over to see Optimus cutting through the enemy line with no hesitation. Bowie was in awe but was quickly snapped out of it. She followed behind Optimus finishing off the surviving decepticons.

An incoming Decepticon quickly tackled Mercy to the ground and slashed her side tearing the metal body's hip. It was inches away from Bowie's body. Mercy was quick to react as she punched the decepticon in his throat and pulled apart its head off. She looked over to see Optimus had shot at the tower with the controlling pillar in it. She stood by his side as Sentinel cried out for the pillar.


"Optimus! You forget your place!" He jumped off and impaled his sword into the building, helping him land safely. " I bring you Cybertron. Your home! And still you choose humanity."

"You were the one who taught me freedom is everyone's right!" Optimus said before charging at Sentinel with his glowing weapons. Mercy stood there ready to back up Optimus.

-an hour ago-


"What is it, Optimus?"

"I know you hold great rage for Sentinel-"

"Rage doesn't begin what I feel for that monster."

"Allow me to finish him off. Let me avenge our friends. In his final moments...I will let you have him." Bowie became silent to Optimus' request. She thought about it. Though it would not be any fun to torment him like he had tormented her with the death of her loved ones...she knew it wasn't her exact fight.

"...Fine. Besides, I'll be the last thing he sees before he dies. A human."

Guardian of the Autobots Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now