Part 18

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Optimus stopped behind us and cocked his cannon, an empty giant shell fell out of it and bounced over us.

"We will kill them all." He promised. Two cars with guns on them came to a stop in front of us. I stood up and grinned.

"Boys!" They began transforming and I was met with Roadbuster, Leadfoot, and Topspin. "Man is it good to see your ugly faces again."

"Hey, that ain't nice!" Leadfoot said. I chuckled. They saw the now dead body of the Decepticon and began pulling him out of it before dismantling him.

"Your leaders will now understand. Decepticons will never leave your planet alone. And we needed them to believe we had gone. For today, in the name of freedom, we take the battle to them!" He declared. We heard engines roar close by. We turned and I grinned even bigger.

"AUTOBOTS!" I shouted with glee. Bumblebee, Dino, Sideswipe, Ratchet, and Que were all here. I saw Jazz behind them all, he came up to us and lowered himself down to me.

"Wh-what-I saw your ship blow up!" I snorted.

"The ship? We were never in the ship! We designed the damn thing, didn't we?" Roadbuster said with proudness as he ripped apart the 'cons arm apart.

"We were hidden in the first booster rocket to separate. Splashed down back in the Atlantic, just as planned. We ain't going nowhere." Leadfoot explained.

"Yeah, no one's exiling us."

"Brains! Wheelie! You're alive still?" I joked.

"Missed ya too, warrior goddess. The Autobots are staying right here. We're gonna help you win this war." Wheelie said.

"They're surrounding the city to make a fortress, so that no one can see what they're up to inside. Our only chance is the element of surprise." Optimus said.

"I think I know where to look!" Sam spoke up. I turned to Optimus.


"Inside, she's waiting for you." I grinned. I walked into the building behind Optimus and entered to see a purple Martin Valkyrie sitting there. I put the guns inside the passenger seat and sat down in the driver's.


"Mercy. Good to see you again."

"It's good to be awaken by you again."

"How about we kick some ass?"

"Fine by me." I stayed still as she began transforming around me. Once I was in her seat, the hud screens appeared. I was able to move just a tiny bit but I connected to the autobot's comms and had their trackers in a corner screen.


Mercy was fully transformed and smirked. He punched her metal palm and walked out the building to be greeted with the other autobots and humans.

"Ready to kick some decepticon ass?"


"The name's Mercy, kid. Bowie's my spark." She grinned at him while holding a sort of gun in her hand. It had a long nozzle and big magazine, which was a mixture of Bowie's snipe rifle and MG.

"Let's win the war!"

"Let's fucking do this!" Mercy shouted as she transformed back into a car along with the others.

"Bowie." Optimus called my name through the radio comms.


"You go find your daughter. We'll handle the fight."

"...Thank you. But- you assholes better promise me you'll come back to me. Alive."

"Sure thing Boss Lady." The twins replied.

"Of course." Dino answered.

"Wouldn't have it any other way, Bowie." Ratchet chuckled.

"Wouldn't dream to leaving you alone, kid. I'll be backing you up."

"No, Jazz. Go with the others." I ordered.

"It's fine. Jazz go with her and protect her." Optimus spoke up. We could see the Bee flying the decepticon's ship.

"Autobots...let's roll out!" I honked and we began driving the opposite direction with Jazz right behind us.

"I know the way to his sister's condo! Just a few blocks away from where we are!"

"Rodger that. I'll follow and secure from behind!"

"Come on Mercy!" I pushed the pedal down more and we were speeding away. I gripped my left hand on her wheel and my right on the gear shift. I prayed that they're safe. I would never forgive myself if they're hurt. As we passed by a cafe I noticed one of the decepticon ships floating in the air. They turned and began shooting. I pulled the handbrake and pushed the gas pedal further down while turning the wheel to the side dodging the attack. "JAZZ!"

"I got 'em!" He transformed and jumped up to the pilot and shot him in the head. The ship began descending down and crashed. He went back into his alt-form and drove behind us once again.

"Just two more blocks!" I shouted. We kept driving at full speed dodging the debris scatted throughout the road.

"Bowie!" I heard Optimus call through my comms.

"What wrongs?!"

"Shockwaves here! Watch your steps he'll be hunting us!" I gripped the wheel.

"Copy. We're close to the building! We'll join you guys shortly!"

"Stay safe."

"You too." I hung up and continued to drive. Then I pressed the brakes and got out of Mercy's alt and went wide eye. In front of me stood a destroyed apartment building. The upper half was in flames and crumbling. The lower half was filled with smoke. And on the ground floor were scattered out burnt bodies, bones, debris from the building. I shook my head and ran to the building but a metallic hand stopped me. "JAZZ LET ME GO! SHE'S IN THE TOP FLOOR! SHERRY!!!" I screamed. I covered my body as an explosion went off from one of the floors.

"We'll find her! But you can't just run in there!"

"SHERRY!!" I got out of his grip and ran towards the debris that were on the ground. I began searching. I looked through all the burnt corpses, for a sign, for a clue. WHERE ARE THEY?! PLEASE GOD! I saw many sizes of the bodies. I could tell some were children and mothers. They held onto each other, even at the end. "Sherry! Sherry! Please! SHERRY WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Bowie..." I saw a few hands underneath a big rock. I froze. One of the hands that stood hand had a very familiar hand tattoo and ring on its fourth finger. I began to tremble with every step, my heart ached and my breathing became shaky and

"...C-C-Ch-Chris?..." I gulped. I stood in front of the hand and put my hands under the rock, using all of my strength I began lifting it up. Jazz used his servos and helped me lift it. I stepped back and dropped to my knees gasping. My eyes went wide and my vision began to blurry. In front of me was something that would haunt me.

Three half burnt and disfigured bodies were under the rock. One of them were smaller than the rest. "! NO! SHERRY!! CHRIS!! EMILY!!" I cried out. "SHERRY! NO! GOD!!" I reached out to the small body in their hands but I was pulled away.



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