Part 21

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Bowie glared at Sentinel as he called for reinforcements. Guess she'll have to wait for her reward.


"NO SURRENDER!" They shouted finishing her sentence. Bowie/Mercy smirked and charged at her enemies. Slashing those on the ground and firing those in the air. One by one the decepticons began dying by their hands and more autobots charged at Sentinel, helping Optimus. She made a promise but she wasn't going to let him kill any more autobots.

"SENTINEL!!" She ran and jumped up, her blade impaled into his shield. Sentinel looked at her. "You will pay for those you have killed!"

"A small price to pay!" He shouted kicking her away. Her blade had been broken off her arm. She growled and began shooting at him. Sentinel defended himself from the autobots swinging his sword at them and hitting them with his shield. He commanded any remaining ground decepticons to restart the pillar. Mercy tried to back Optimus back more but she was slowly loosing ammo from the amount of decepticon ships there were.

"SAM! Ge-Argh!" She shot at a ship. "GET TO THE PILLAR!" She shouted.

"I can't hold them! The ships have us pinned! No!" She heard Optimus yell.

"Optimus!" She ran from her spot and stood in front of a fallen down Prime. She threw her cannon away and her arm began to form into a bigger gun with straps of ammo hanging from her arm.

"NOT TODAY!" She yelled shooting the ships. She wasn't able to get all of them as they began shooting at her arms. Then they suddenly exploded. Bowie looked closely at the screens to see tomahawks flying through the sky and hitting the ships. "Lennox you son of a gun." Bowie panted. Bowie gasped as the light from the pillar once again lit up into the sky.

"Autobots do not stop even for a second! Rip his limbs off if you have to!" Bowie ordered. Mercy stood back up and began charging at Sentinel once again. She ripped off her own blade from her arm and held it in her metal hand. She jumped up, tackled him, and stabbed his neck. Sentinel grunted n pain and shoved her off, crawling away as rockets were shot at him.

"Mercy!" Optimus called as he passed her.

"Optimus!" Bowie groaned as Mercy got back up. She let her blades form on her leg and she ran and following behind Optimus as he slashed Sentinel's Alt-form. He transformed and dodged Optimus' next attack.

"Always the bravest of us!" Sentinel grunted, Mercy threw her leg at him only to be blocked by his shield. "Our planet will survive!" Sentinel managed to unarm Optimus and impale his sword into Optimus' arm.

"OPTIMUS NO!" Bowie screamed as Sentinel cut his arm off, he kicked him to the ground and began to finish off the other arm. "NO!" Mercy jumped over Sentinel and kicked him off of Optimus. She held him body close to hers and backed away from Sentinel.

"We were gods once. All of us!" He shouted.

"Sentinel! Please!" Optimus pleaded. Mercy struggled to hold onto Optimus while trying not to get her chest impaled by Sentinel's sword. She fell back and looked up at Sentinel with anger.

"But here- there will only be one-ARGH!" Sentinel was suddenly attacked from behind. Mercy quickly held onto Optimus and backed away. She could see Megatron now fighting Sentinel Prime.

"This is my planet!" Megatron shouted, landing a punch on his face and kicked him on the ground before stomping Sentinel's helmet off his head. Mercy stood up with Optimus' arm over her shoulder.

"I'll be your arm." Mercy muttered.

"Thank you."

"Sentinel is still mine." Bowie-Mercy said.

"Now. We need a truce... All I want is to be back in charge. Besides... who would you be without me, Prime?" Megatron growled. Mercy's helmet began to form over her mouth and little parts of her body merged to her hip where she was slashed, covering Bowie's body.

"Time to find out." Optimus said as his helmet shut his over his mouth. Mercy gave a curt nod and they ran together towards Megatron. Mercy spun around, giving Optimus the chance up pick up his ax before turning back to Megatron and slashing his chest. Blue liquid fell from the wound.

Mercy leaned onto Optimus' body and jumped up before dropping her left foot onto Megatron's head kicking him to the ground and cutting off bits of his head with her blades. Megatron grunted, trying to stand back up but Optimus was quick to wrap his axe under his neck and rip off his head, killing Megatron for the third time. Sparks, smoke, and red liquid spurted out of his headless body as it fell to the ground. She still hand her arm around Optimus. They turned to Sentinel who was on the ground.

"Optimus, all I ever wanted was the survival of our race. You must see why... I had to betray you."

"You didn't betray me. You betrayed yourself...Bowie, he's all yours." He said after shooting his legs off.

"With pleasure, Optimus." Mercy walked in front of Sentinel's body and lowered herself before opening her chest area to reveal Bowie's angered face. She stood from her seat and on the open plate.


"Yes. Me. You killed innocents. You killed my friends, those who I called my family...YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER!"

"P-please!" He pleaded. Bowie's angered fell and she simply glared at him.

"...May your god, Primus, not have mercy on your spark, because I sure won't." Bowie said. Mercy stood back up brought out her cannon as she aimed it to his chest. "Goodbye, Sentinel."



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