Part 16

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"Where do you think it's taking them?" Sam asked.

"Any planet but here." Epps answered. Sam said his goodbyes and followed Mearing. Epps took me to see where the autobots would be placed inside the ship.

"You sure you'll be fine?" I smilied.

"I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself."

"Believe me, I know you can." He said chuckling before walking away. My smile dropped and my heart ached. I could hear the sound of many choppers flying towards us. I walked into the sun light and frowned. The autobots finally came and transformed. Mercy was still in alt-form since I wasn't there. Most of the autobots passed by me giving me a reassuring look. Optimus stood in front of me.


"Hey. It'll be alright." I gave him a reassuring smile. He nodded and lowered himself.

"We will never forget about what you have sacrificed for us."

"And I can't forget you guys."

"Check the nitrogen levels. We're booking out of here." I heard Leadfoot say from afar.

"Optimus?" I heard Sam's voice from behind. We looked at him.

"What your leaders say is true." Optimus started. "This was all my fault. I told them whom to trust. I...was so wrong."

"That doesn't make it your fault. It just makes you human for a change." Sam said. I smiled and nodded, agreeing with him.

"Remember this. You may lose your faith in us, but never in yourselves." He said standing back up and turning around. I dropped my head but then heard Sam grunting softly. I glanced at him.

"I need to know how you're gonna fight back." He asked. "I know this is strategy, I know you're... you're coming back with reinforcements, something, I know there's a plan. You can tell me. No other human will ever know." I lifted my head towards him and glanced back at Optimus.

"There is no plan."

"If we just do what they want, how are we gonna live with ourselves!?" Sam asked desperately. Optimus lowered himself once again.'

"You and Bowie are my friends. You always will be. But your leaders have spoken." He stood back up again. "From here...the fight will be your own."

I saw Bee and Jazz coming towards us. I felt myself tearing up as they approached. I couldn't help but run and jump on Jazz. He caught me and hugged me close to his chest.

"I know you'll hide. But still. This is all wrong. It's a trap, and they're blind to see it." I muttered lowly.

"I know, kid. I know." He let go of me and held a fist close to me. I grinned and wiped my tears, punching his fist with mine. He gave me a curt nod and began walking away. Bee did the same. Sam walked towards the rails and crouched down, sobbing. I continued to stare at the autobots who simply waved down at me. I smiled and waved back.

"Years from now, they're gonna ask us. Where were you when they took over the planet? We're gonna say...we just stood by and watched."


It was 6:30 and they were about to launch. I stood in front of the big window from the control room. The announcer began counting down from 7. It was busy here. I watched as a giant cloud of smoke came from the Xantium, it was slowly lifting from the ground. I could hear the announcer speak and everyone clap. But me and Mearing looked back to the ship and sighed.

"Tracking an incoming object!" We heard one of the operators say.

"Say again?"

"We're tracking an incoming object!" I whipped my head to the big screens and saw a jet like thing diving down towards the Xantium. I went wide eye as it shot at it, exploding the ship. I closed my mouth, gasping.

The room fell in silence watching the falling broken ship. I shook my head and walked out of the room. Epps gave me a sad smile. He gave me a side hug and we walked to the hanger.

We came across Sam, Simmons in a wheelchair, and some guy working the computers.

"The call was placed en route. I'm hacking into the phone's camera now. There, that's it. That's a live stream from the camera. Someplace, right, hold on, I can triangulate this. Okay, it's Chicago cell sites. There, I've got it. Trump Tower, Chicago. Lower penthouse." He said pointing to the screen. We looked at each other and back at them.

"I'm going." Sam announced.

"You sure?" Simmons asked.

"She's done nothing but try to help me, and I can be there in fifteen hours." Carley was being held hostage by some Dylan guy.

"You're not going alone." Epps spoke up. They all turned to us. I chuckled. We followed Epps outside and to his car.

"We still got NEST friends out there. Epps and I'll round them up, we'll find your girlfriend, we're gonna bring this guy in. I tried to save people, but this- this guy. He's going to die along with Sentinel and the autobots." I told them.

"Why are you helping me-us?" Sam asked him.

"'Cause that asshole killed my friends, too." Epps he said angrily as he opened the doors and got inside. I got in the back while Sam sat in the passenger seat.

"I'll call up Lennox, you get the others. Let's hope we make it in time. I got a kid in Chicago right this moment. I"ll be damned if something happens to her!" I growled. I took out a satellite phone and dialed in Will's number.


"Colnoel Lennox."

"Bowie! What the hell happened out there?!"

"'Cons happened. It was a trap. Listen, Sentinel and Megatron are in Chicago. They're going to start a world wide space bridge."

"Meaning what?"

"...They're bringing Cybertron to us."

Guardian of the Autobots Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now