Part 12

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I was currently inside of Mercy's Alt-mode. She was awake with just the touch of my skin. She could feel what I feel.

"What is this...sensation?" I wiped my eyes from the tears.

"F-feelings." I muttered in a shaky voice. The autobots surrounded us after what happened. Trying to cheer me up and whatnot. Optimus, Sentinel, and Ratchet were talking in a separate room.

"We're sorry Bowie. We had no idea. I should've kept a better eye on him." Jazz apologized with guilt.

"I...It's not your fault. No ones." I breathed in and out. "It doesn't matter now. Im already planning on going to Chicago and taking Sherry back to my parents. I'll let him have a little time before I go."

"I say take the kid and go. That Aft doesn't deserve her time, or yours." Skids said.

"...As much as I want to...I need to control this. I have to stay conscious when I'm inside Mercy. Let's try it." I huffed sitting straight. Everything around me began to move and dismantle. I was slowly going upward until I was in complete darkness. Mercy was in her real form and I was in her chest. I felt my body become weak. I forced myself to stay awake and tried to move. It failed.


Mercy looked around and saw the other autobots. Mudflap and Skids gave a whistle, in response, Jazz smacked both of them up their heads.

"Well?" Sideswipe asked.

"...She is unconscious." A few of them groaned sadly.

"Well, it's not something she can control in one day. We'll have time to practice." She nodded agreeing with him.

"During my recharge, I have discovered that I am conscious in my alt-form without her. But I cannot move nor speak." Jazz thanked her for the new found information. Then they heard speaking from afar. They all turned to see Ratchet and the two Primes walking towards them. Mercy starred at Sentinel and began walking towards them.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" Dino asked. Mercy did not speak.

"Mercy? What are you doing-" Mercy ignored him and rasied the side of her metal forearm with a sharp curved blade attached to it near Sentinel's neck. Everyone panicked.

"MERCY!" Ratchet and Jazz called.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Sentinel asked. The other autobots ran towards her and tried to pull her away, she did not budge.

"Mercy, what are you doing?!" Ratchet asked.

"I do not like him." She blurted.

"What? It doesn't matter, stand down!"

"I. Do not. Like. Him." Her optics turned to Jazz. "You said that if I do not like them, then they are my enemy. I do not like him."

"Mercy, stand down. Sentinel is one of us." Optimus' servos gripped her blade and tried to push it away. Mercy glanced at Optimus then at Sentinel. She lowered her arm and the blade retreated, blending into her arm.

"I take orders from Bowie and Optimus. I fight for them and with them. I do not fight for you." She said starring at Sentinel.

"We're sorry, Optimus! We didn't know she'd react like this."

"It's quite alright. I'll overlook her actions for now. Designation: Mercy, correct?" Sentinel asked.


"I've been told that you were made by the humans. It seemed they did an amazing job. How were they able to bring you to life, if I may ask?"

"I was given life from the All Spark. I cannot disclose any further information. If you'll excuse me." She said

"I sound like the little human I met a while ago. Bowie, was it?" She stayed quiet and turned around and walked away. Jazz apologized once again and ran up to her.

"What in the name of Primus was that?!" He whispered harshly.

"I will state it once more: I do not like him. Bowie, does not trust him like she trust the autobots."


"...I am unsure. Her thoughts are blocked, I cannot hear them speak about him." They both stayed silent concerned for this.

They decided it would be best to ignore the problem until further explanation and decided to train Mercy. Dino, Sideswipe, the twins, and Ironhide all helped her. Que, Ratchet, and Jazz watched while it all played out. Optimus and sentinel went out for a drive, despite Mercy's little warning.

"Alrigh', show me wha'cha got!" Dino said throwing a punch. Mercy leaned to the side dodging the punch. She quick grabbed his arm and turned her body, pulling his arm forward and leaning down, pulling Dino over her body and landing on the ground on his back.

"I thought you were good?" Mercy asked.

"A lil cocky now are we?" Dino scoffed. He stood back up and saw the twins and Sideswipe snickering. "Yea' yea' laugh it up!" He walked around her and tried to go for a sneak attack by dropping down and swinging his leg, hitting her legs to the side causing her to fall.

"Not so cocky now, are we?" He teased her.

"Hmph. Attacking from the back, such a cowardly strike, even for you, Dino." He glared at her but she took this opportunity to form her curved blades on her lower legs and hooked it around his ankle and pulled it, making him fall back.

"Don't underestimate us." She said with a small smug smile.

"She's smiling. She's showing emotions." Jazz whispered.

"It's a smug expression, but I guess." Ratchet corrected him. He looked at her as she and Dino stood back up and shook servos, then he turned back to the other two. "It seems that the more she is in her form the more she connects with Bowie. She's getting her memories, her voice."

"And her attitude. Don't tell me that isn't Bowie-attitude." Jazz said glancing at Mercy as she began an 'arm wrestle' with Dino then turned his attention back.

"He has a point." Que agreed.

"But, question is: how does it affect bowie?" Ratchet asked. They all looked back at her. The twins, Ironhide, and sideswipe, along with some of the soldiers began cheering for who they thought would win. Bets were made among themselves.

"Ratchet, I bet you a wrench Mercy's going to crush his aft." Jazz said.

"...No no no, Dino is far skilled to loose." They quite down and watched the match go down. Then Mercy turned her head and Dino did the same. She grinned and pushed Dino's metal hand on the giant table. Some cheered and others groaned. Ratchet sighed and gave Jazz one of his wrenches.

Guardian of the Autobots Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now