Part 19

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"Calling all autobots..." Jazz spoke into his comms. Bowie continued to cry and scream in his servos.

"Jazz did you find them?!" Ratchet asked.

"....We found them..." He trailed off looking back to the bodies. They understood what had happened.

"...No..." Optimus muttered. The autobots fell silent to the tragic news.

"Not the kid...why'd it have to be her?" Dino asked, sadness in his voice.

"SHERRY!!!" Her scream was a loud piercing cry that echoed through the block and Jazz's comms.

"Jazz whatever you do, you must get her out of here-"

"NO! I'M -" She sobbed and slammed her fist on his serovs- "I'M GOING TO KILL THEM! SENTINEL AND MEGATRON WILL PAY!" Jazz looked at his charge, his blue optics sadden by the scene. She wiped her eyes and nose with her arm and jumped off his arm, storming back to Mercy's alt. She opened the door and sat inside. Mercy closed the door for her.

"Sh-sherry...FUCK!" She hit the steering wheel and lead her head on it. Her tears dropped to her thighs. Mercy could feel a wave of emotions. Sadness and anger yet...her anger was different. What was the word? Rage. She could feel tremendous rage coming from her spark. "Mercy..."

"...Understood." Mercy's alt began breaking apart and shifting into her original form. Jazz stared at them and looked into the autobot's optics. They were a dark deep blue. No longer the regular bright sky blue. "Jazz."


"Let's go." She turned and began running. She turned on her comm, connecting to Optimus. "Give us your location!"

"Bowie? But-"

"Location NOW!" Optimus hesitated but told her their location. Her and Jazz began moving forward, his weapon ready to shoot at any moment and Mercy's blades longer and sharper than before. Inside, bowie was able to move, Mercy assumed due to her rage and something else was keeping her conscious. Bowie looked through her hud screens and managed to find where the autobots were moving to.

As they ran, killing decepticons on the way, they could hear a roar from the distance, along with feint screams from people and glass being broken. When they stopped and looked up they could see that worm thing from Chernobyl on tall tilted glass building. Jazz and Mercy looked to each other and nodded running towards it.

As they grew near it they began shooting at the metal worm. Bowie had gotten many heat signatures from the building. Using Mercy's zoomed in optics she could see Epps, Sam, the blond girl, and other soldiers panicking as they tried to escape.

"Come here you ugly piece of shit!" Jazz shouted, shooting at its mouth. Mercy shot the smaller worm things, away from the humans. That was until she heard Optimus' voice.

"I'm coming for you!" He shouted. They lowered their weapons as he flew under the building shooting at the thing.

"Optimus!" Jazz called. They saw him fly upward and shoot a hole at the building before diving through the hole and cutting the worm's upper head off. Jazz and Mercy moved out of the way as it dropped in front of their feet. Mercy looked back to see Shockwave aiming his cannon at Optimus who stood on top of a crane.

"OPTIMUS MOVE!" She yelled. He tried to fly away but was hit into a building. "Shit! Jazz!"

"On it!" He yelled. He began shooting at Shockwave while Mercy ran towards the other side to help out Optimus who was tangled up in the crane's wires.

"OPTIMUS!" She shouted.


"Hold on I'm coming!"

"MERCY! OPTIMUS!" She looked back to see the two wreckers.

"HELP JAZZ! I GOT OPTIMUS!" She ordered. The two drove off to the other side and Mercy began to climb the building. She could hear the faint groans of Optimus as he swung side to side. If it wasn't a life or death situation Bowie would have laughed and teased him. But not now.

She pulled herself to the level where she could reach Optimus and began climbing the cranes.

"Bowie...I'm sorry for-"

"Now's not the time. We need to hurry. And this better not miss you'r shot. Because you know I won't."

"...I know."

"I hope you do." She muttered. She cut the wires with her blade and Optimus began to fall down. Mercy narrowed her eyes and her blades went back into her metal skin. We wrapped her right arm around one of the wires and lowered herself to Optimus.

"Hold on to me." Optimus listened and wrapped an arm around her waist. Mercy lowered herself onto the building safely.

"Thank you."

"It's always Bowie saving your aft, you know that?"

"I do. I'm thankful."

" Optimus?" Mercy heard into her comms. She recognized Sideswipe's voice.

"What is it?"

"Don't mean to um- alarm you but it seems we've been caught..." Bowie's eyes wide and looked at her screens to see four blinking green dots near the location of the tower, it was sideswipe, Bee, Dino, and Que. Mercy looked at Optimus and he nodded. They walked into the unfinished building to hide from any decepticon eyes.

"We'll be there soon...Please don't die..." She asked. Bowie was clenching her hands into fists. She was angry once again.

"No more autobots will die. I won't allow it..." Bowie muttered.

"Bowie! Where are you?!" Jazz's frantic voice asked.

"Jazz? What's wrong?"

"Me, Doc, and the wreckers 'ave been caught."

"...SHIT!" Mercy punched the floor, leaving a cracked on the concrete floor.

"Mercy! Calm yourself.I know you are angry, beyond angry. You're filled with rage and sadness. Please. I know." He gave her a hug. "I can see your anger. Your sadness. Your guilt. Please do not bear them alone. Allow me to carry those burdens that you carry on your shoulders."

"I ca-can't lo-lose anyone e-else, Optimus..." Bowie sobbed. Optimus grabbed Mercy's face and made her face him. He placed his forehead on hers.

"I promise you. You won't loose anyone else. We will protect them. You, Bowie, are our guardian. Just as we are yours." He muttered. Bowie wiped her eyes and smiled.

"Thank you...Optimus."

Guardian of the Autobots Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now