Chapter 2

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That day Wonwoo returned back home at 3 AM only to find Soonyoung curled up like a ball on the couch in the living room.
He waited for me again.
He went to the couch and gently caressed Hoshi's hair. Hoshi was startled by that.  He woke up promptly and found Wonwoo looking at him with a smile.
Oh Hoshi did I wake you up? I'm sorry.  You should have slept in your bedroom.  Were you waiting for me ?
Hyung what's wrong with you ? You always return back till 10PM . You've been returning late since a week now.
I'm sorry Hoshi . I'm really busy with office work . Well Junnie is coming for dinner tomorrow.  You haven't met him in a long time right?
Jun hyung is back ? Hoshi rejoiced happily.
Let's go and sleep now . Okay ??
Ok hyung.
Next morning
Hoshi woke up to find his hyung still asleep.  He must have been tired. It was was weekend so he didn't want to disturb his brother. He slowly tiptoed to the living room when he heard a knock on the door. He was confused because it was 7:30 in the morning and someone rarely visited their house. He opened the door and found Jun smiling at him.
Junniee Hyung!! He charged onto him .
Hi Hoshi ! How are you ? It's been a while. He said while coming into the living room.
I'm fine hyung!! Wonwoo hyung said you will be coming for dinner but I didn't expect you to visit now.
Oh sorry.  I got too excited to meet you. (Soonhui goals hehe ) . Is Wonwoo awake?
No hyung.  He returned at 3 AM yesterday.  I thought he must have been  tired so I didn't wake him up. Do you want me to wake him ??
No let him sleep. Let's make breakfast okay ?? What do you want to eat?
French toast! Hoshi practically shouted in excitement.
Ok French toast it is then hehe !!
Time Skip
After making breakfast and placing it on the table Jun went to wake Wonwoo up.
Wonwoo-ya wake up. It's already 8AM.
Please let me sleep some more Hoshi.
It's not Hoshi pabo . It's Junnie.
Junnie? What are you doing here ?
I was excited to meet Hoshi hehe. Well let's eat now. I want to discuss a few things with you.

Thank you for reading  <33

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