Chapter 10

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Wonwoo woke up feeling much better.  What shocked him more was that Hoshi was curled up beside him sleeping soundly. He tried to get up without waking Hoshi up but failed. Hoshi stirred , opening his 10:10 eyes (Lol sorry but I had to mention 10:10 haha) . He  jolted up seeing Wonwoo awake .
Oh Hyung. Are you feeling better?
When did you come here?
Umn I came in the afternoon today. Well it's almost dinner time . Do you want to eat something?
Yeah. I threw up everything I had in the morning today so my stomach has started to grumble now.
Don't worry. I and Jun hyung made Tojangguk soup for you in the afternoon today.
Oh wow. Well where's Junnie?
He had an emergency call from the hospital so he had to go.
Oh okay.  Let's eat.

Time Skip
Wonwoo and Hoshi returned back home after Jun came back. Jun couldn't talk much about the next mission with Wonwoo as Hoshi was with them.

After returning home, Hoshi immediately went to bed as he had school the next day but Wonwoo had to work as he was on leave for the whole day. He was reviewing some files when he got text from Jeonghan.

"I'm ready to talk and disclose some informations. You may visit me tomorrow "

Wonwoo sighed knowing many things from his past are going to unravel slowly.  He really wants to find his parent's killer but he's also scared for Hoshi's safety. He won't be able to survive if anything happens to Hoshi.

A short update !!
Thanks for reading  :))
A/n- From the next chapters , I'll be dropping hints regarding Wonwoo's parent's past. Do pay attention hehe

Spoiler - Wonwoo's parent's death was indirectly Wonwoo's fault . Yup that's a big spoiler haha

Next update would probably be around mid March or whenever I feel holistic like today lol

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