Chapter 7

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The next day Wonwoo visited the hospital very early in the morning . He couldn't sleep the whole night because of guilt. He went to the ICU to visit Jeonghan first . He said sorry to him multiple times though he couldn't hear him before coming out and walking towards Jun's office. He knocked on the door and waited for a while before a drowsy looking Jun opened the door.

Why in the world would you visit this early Wonwoo ?? It's 5 in the morning- Jun whined
Wonwoo ignored his whines and entered the office.
I couldn't sleep the whole night Jun-ah. I feel very guilty for whatever happened yesterday.
Wonwoo you don't need to feel guilty. I have been checking Jeonghan's condition every hour since the operation. It's possible that he'll wake up in a few hours.
Are you sure ?
Yes Wonwoo-ya don't worry.

Time Skip
Jeonghan was transferred to a VIP ward in the evening. Throughout the whole day , Jun and Wonwoo stayed in the hospital gathering information. They also made a plan . Wonwoo has to spy
on the secret base of Seokmin and Dino.Wonwoo had found about it as he found one of Seokmin's guard talk about it at Jeonghan's residence.

After Jun and Wonwoo went to the secret underground basement , one of Seokmin's guard came to search for them. He was near the basement door when he got a call. Wonwoo and Jun decided to overhear the conversation. From there they came to know about the secret base.

They had all the protective equipments incase of emergency. Wonwoo decided to spy the next night.

Thank you for reading :)))

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