Chapter 9

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Wonwoo woke with with a groan. He still felt dizzy. As he took notice of his surroundings,  he noticed that it was not his bedroom.  He panicked for a second but then realized that it was Jun's apartment. He sat on the bed still not wanting to get off the bed because of the dizziness. Jun came into the room finding Wonwoo awake. 

Oh Wonwoo you are awake? How are you feeling? Jun said as he went to check Wonwoo's neck
I feel so dizzy Junnie.Wonwoo whined
Here have some breakfast and then take
these medicines , it will help you with your dizziness. And no work for today okay? You need rest. I went to your house early in the morning leaving a note for Hoshi as he was still asleep.
[The note:
Hoshi, this is Junnie hyung.  Wonwoo wasn't feeling well so he came to my apartment. Don't be worried,  he's fine. He just needs some rest. Do call me if you need something.]

What happened yesterday?
Wonwoo disclosed the whole event that happened yesterday. 
You should have been careful Wonwoo-ya.
I know.  I'm sorry Junnie.

After that Wonwoo started eating. After he finished eating,  he suddenly had an urge to throw up. He bolted to the bathroom,  immediately throwing up the breakfast he had. Jun was shocked by Wonwoo's sudden action and immediately knelt behind Wonwoo caressing his back.  After 5 whole minutes, Wonwoo stopped retching. Till that he was shaky and there were dried tears on his face. Jun helps him stand up but Wonwoo's knees buckle when he tries to stand up. Jun slowly lifts Wonwoo up places him on his bed softly.

Wownoo you can't have the medicines on an empty stomach.
Junnie I don't want to throw up again.
At least a biscuit or something.
Wonwoo was reluctant yet he ate it . He took the medicine and went back to sleep. 

Thank you for reading  :)))

It's been such a long time since I last updated this story.  I literally have no idea if I'll be able to update it this month or not. I'll try my best.

I apologize for the delay 

Have a nice day /night

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