Chapter 3

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After breakfast Jun and Wonwoo went to Wonwoo's bedroom to discuss a few things.
Wonwoo, why are returning back home around 3AM these days?
I have been searching .
Well did you find something?
Yeah wait for a second.
Wonwoo then pulled out a box from the cupboard. It was filled with files and journals to the brim with anything he could gather that could help in the investigation of his family.
I gathered some information but let's go through these later.
Okay! But Wonwoo are you sure you want to do this ? This is very risky for both you and Hoshi.
Yes Jun. I've been waiting for so long to find the murdered. That day is still imprinted on my mind Jun . I miss them so much.
Both Jun and Wonwoo were in the Second year of Higher Secondary School. Wonwoo's parents were always buys so they had sent both their kids to a Boarding School. Wonwoo went to Shining Diamond Boarding School and Hoshi went to Pretty U Boarding School. On that day his parents were going to a meeting when their car exploded.  They didn't know that there was a bomb set up in their car.
(Shining Diamond Boarding School)
A teary eyed Wonwoo was packing his stuff to go back home. He leaned his back against the wall and slumped down sobbing . He had just received the news of his parents and their driver had to bring Hoshi and Wonwoo back home for a few days for the funeral. Hoshi didn't know what had happened and Wonwoo had to tell him everything.  He felt a pair of eyes staring at him so he quickly wiped his eyes and looked up see Jun looking at him with concerned eyes . His eyes were also teary . Wonwoo hugged Jun and start sobbing. 
"Promise me that you'll never leave me Jun." Wonwoo cried
"Ofcouse Wonwoo" Jun said in his broken voice.
Jun knew as Hoshi was his only family left, Wonwoo had to act strong in front of him so he decided to become the shoulder for Wonwoo. At that moment his room door burst open and in came a confused Hoshi. Both of them quickly wiped their eyes and gave Hoshi a bitter smile.
End of Flashback
Thinking all that made Wonwoo teary and tears started flowing down his cheeks
Jun immediately hugged Wonwoo and said
" Wonwoo I'm back now and I promise I'll help you and be the shoulder for you to lean on. But please don't hide your feelings from me. I know you act strong in front of Hoshi but you don't need to act strong in front of me okay "
Wonwoo nodded
Let me settle down in the city first and then let's start . Till then you keep on gathering information.  Jun said.

Thank you for reading  !!!

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