Chapter 13

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Wonwoo was discharged in the evening and went back home. Jun went to drop him. As soon as Hoshi opened the door,  Wonwoo rushed inside without saying anything.
Is he angry at me? Did I do something wrong Junnie hyung?
No he's just tired from work - Jun said
He had no idea what was going inside Wonwoo's mind. Before leaving Jun said to Hoshi
Hoshi-ya Wonwoo is really stressed with work these days. Please try to cheer him up okay ? And make sure he eats his meals on time.
Ne hyung.

With that Jun went back home.

Hoshi was about to enter his room when he heard sobbing from his brother's room. He immediately went it and found Wonwoo sobbing in his room (A/n- I'm sorry for making Wonwoo cry so much lol) . He'd rarely seen Wonwoo cry so it worried him a lot. He immediately hugged Wonwoo and started comforting him. Wonwoo kept on crying on his brother's shoulder. He kept on crying for what felt like hours on Hoshi's arm and eventually fell asleep. 

Hoshi looked at his brother's sleeping figure and thought
What are you hiding from me hyung? Is it work or is something else bothering you? I hope you don’t overwork yourself and whatever you're going through doesn't hurt you too much.

Hoshi had never seen this side of Wonwoo and it somewhat worried him to see his brother this fragile.  He had so many thoughts going on in his mind . He could never be more thankful to Wonwoo for helping him with everything, providing him with all the facilities and being his guardian. Wonwoo may not be always on Hoshi's side but he's always in my heart. His brother meant everything to him so he didn't want to see Wonwoo suffer.

To be continued....
Thank you for reading  :)

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