Chapter 8

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Next night
It's around 11PM and Wonwoo is at the Lee's secret base. He decided to wear bulletproof vest incase of emergency.  While spying he also found out about the other other 4 members of the mafia group.  (A/n- I've made the 97 98 and 99 liners mafias)
Wonwoo took pictures of them with his IFITech spy camera. It is a 1080p HD camera with hidden laser which can locate people and take clear pictures from even 500m at night. After gathering enough information,  Wonwoo decided to leave . While sneaking out of the base, he got caught by a guard. The guard tried to punch him but Wonwoo dodged him and kicked him on his stomach.  The danger alarms started ringing and Wonwoo knew he had to leave that place  as soon as possible.  For the last time he kicked the guard and ran away but unfortunately the guard was able to add a tracker on Wonwoo's neck before he escaped. After running for a while,  Wonwoo took the tracker off but it burnt his skin and was making him dizzy. He had to reach Junhui's place as soon as possible as he was slowly losing consciousness.  He reached Junhui's apartment and passed out right as he entered the apartment.  Jun was shocked and immediately put Wonwoo to bed while searching his body  for any bruise. Wonwoo was sweating profusely because of the running.  Jun found the burn place on Wonwoo's neck. What shocked him more was that his skin near the burnt area was scraped off. He cleaned and applied the medicine on Wonwoo's neck before applying a band aid.

Jun sighed looking at the sleeping figure of Wonwoo because he knew something like this would happen. It was just the first mission and he's very scared what will happen is in the future.

But Jun knows "Being scared is a part of being alive . He needs to accept it and walk through it"

Jun is really proud of how brave Wonwoo is but he knows,  on the inside Wonwoo is fragile and he has already suffered so much that he wants to make sure that his best friend is always safe and he wants to take care of him and protect him under any circumstance.

Thank you for reading  :))))

A/n- I won't be able to update for a while.  I have been really stressed with all the school work and my exams are also approaching.  I'm really sorry. I'll try my best to update when I get time :)))

Have a great day /night

Note -I've thought of publishing a one shot book and I want help . I've started it a bit but I ain't getting much ideas.

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