Chapter 11

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The next day, after dropping Hoshi at school,  Wonwoo went to the hospital.  He couldn't meet Jun as he was busy in an operation.  He entered Jeonghan's room to find him sitting and waiting for Wonwoo.
You have something important to tell me ?
Yeah as I couldn't tell you about the details that day, I wanna tell it now.
Are you sure you're ready to listen to this ?
..Yeah Wonwoo hesitated.
We can wait till your friend comes here.
Okay. Let's wait .

                  Time Skip
So...There were 2 mafias behind your parents from the start. They were jealous of your parent's wealth and wanted the company to themselves or at least a share of it. Your parents didn't accept their offer. Yet they weren't planning on killing your parents for some reason. But after you were born, their hate towards you parents started increasing. No one knows the reason but I think it was because you would become the new heir of the company.  They saw how much your parents loved you, so they planned to kill you. The day your parents died was a day before your birthday . You got a package on that day remember? You didn't open it because you wanted to open it the next. You were at home since you were sick and were about to return back. Your parents told you to leave that package at home but you still took it because you wanted to show that package to Jun . You parents dropped you at the school and went for a meeting but you accidentally forgot to take the package with you and left it in the car and after a while it exploded....The package contained the bomb Wonwoo.

Wonwoo was shocked and couldn't do anything but sob
I- I killed my parents - He said and started sobbing more.

But how was that meant to kill Wonwoo only if he took that package to school? - Jun asked while comforting Wonwoo

The killers apparently  thought that Wonwoo would be staying at home and the bomb was set on the time to explode around 30 minutes after his parents left. So if he stayed at home, the bomb would have exploded and he would have died. But the story doesn't end here. You're father already knew about this plan Wonwoo and that is why he thought of sending you to school that day when you were still sick.  He told this to me the day before he died. I don't know how he knew it or why didn't he do anything to save himself but as much as I know it's not your fault Wonwoo.'s my fault.  I shouldn't have...I- . He wasn't able to complete his words as he fainted in Jun's arm.

Wonwoo !!!!!!!!!

Jun immediately took Wonwoo to the ER and connected him to the IV. Wonwoo had fainted because of high blood pressure.

Jun hates seeing Wonwoo like this . He hates seeing Wonwoo back in this hell hole . And seeing Wonwoo blaming himself for his parent's death pains him so much.

Jun looked at Wonwoo's sleeping figure and said
Wonwoo-yah you have already suffered so much. Please don't blame yourself.  This case has already degraded you mentally and we are just starting.  I hope you don't risk your and Hoshi's life.

Thank you for reading  :)

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