Chapter 17

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When Wonwoo came out of the shower, he saw Hoshi sitting on his bed while he was scrolling through his phone.  He knew Hoshi wanted to talk to him but he wasn't sure if he could talk without bursting into tears at the moment.

Hoshi-ya, hyung is very tired so he's going to sleep. - Wonwoo

But hyung I wanted to talk.-Hoshi

We'll talk tomorrow okay?- Wonwoo

Ok Hyung - Hoshi

Hoshi knew that something was definitely wrong with Wonwoo and he was very worried for his brother. For the time being he decided to let his brother rest.

The next morning
Both the brothers couldn't sleep well. Wonwoo kept on tossing on the bed and feel asleep as the sun was rising. Hoshi had a nightmare so he jolted awake around 3am and couldn't go back to sleep.
When Hoshi came to check on Wonwoo,  he was still sleeping so he decided to make some breakfast for himself and his brother. When he peeked inside Wonwoo's room, he found him curled up on his bed. He slowly went and woke Wonwoo up.

Hyung wake up. It's almost 12. Eat something.

When Wonwoo woke up, he saw Hoshi staring at him with a plate in his hands.
He freshened up and had breakfast with Hoshi.

Hyung, are you okay? Is something bothering you?

Hoshi...There's something I want to tell you. Some people are after us and they want to hurt us. I don't want you to stay alone at any point. I'll assign someone I trust to stay with you when I am away for work.

Hoshi was shocked by what Wonwoo said.

Why hyung? Why are people after us? What about you? Who'll take care of you? What's going on?

Hoshi had so many questions. He was more worried about his brother than himself.

Wonwoo was shocked that Hoshi was more worried about him. He was very scared. He will always blame himself for the death of his parents and he knows that he'll never be able to survive if someone hurt Hoshi. He wanted to protect his brother more than anything.
But when Hoshi asked that question , he realized that Wonwoo means as much to Hoshi as Hoshi means to him. He then realized that he needs to take care of himself as well so that Hoshi does not have to suffer too. 

The people are after us because they want to take over our company.  It looks like someone has been secretly spying on us for a while now. Do you remember someone following you?

No hyung but I always find a person staring at me in school.
Is he in all your classes?

No he is in two of my classes.

Does he stay alone or does he have friends as well?

He usually stays alone hyung. He's creepy at times.

Do you know his name?

I think umm..I think it's Chew Hanson? Oh wait ..Chwe? Vernon? Hansol?
Idk I'm confused

It's fine.  Thank you for informing me. From tomorrow onwards someone will be with you the whole time. Whether you are at school or home. I know you won't like that but your safety is my biggest concern.

God please keep Hoshi safe *Wonwoo thought *

Okay hyung. But will that person sit with me in class?

Don't worry about that. I'll try to do something. Just be safe okay?

Yes hyung. You too. Will someone stay with you too?

I don't need someone. I can manage myself on my own. I'll be fine.

To be continued....

I think Wonwoo just jinxed himself hahahaaa

Anyways it's not too long but atleast I updated lol.
Sorry for keeping y'all wait for so long :(

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