Chapter 5

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It's been three weeks since Wonwoo started training. Both Jun and Wonwoo have been trying to gather as much information as possible.
They found out about some of their sub ordinates who play a vital role in their missions. While searching Wonwoo came across a file in his father's cupboard which contained a note

I know till the time you find this , me and your mother will probably be dead and you might be wanting to find out about the reason we died. I can't mention it here as someone might find this note and try to harm you and Hoshi and I can't let that happen. I want you to meet Mr Yoon Jeonghan , he will tell you the details but not all as his each and every movement is being observed.

Here is Jeonghan's address
Street 1004 ***** ****** ******** *****

Papa Jeon

Wonwoo realized that his father wrote this letter the day before they were killed. Wonwoo and Jun planned on visiting Jeonghan in the next week.

Time Skip
Both Wonwoo and Jun were outside Jeonghan's mansion. They knocked on the door and were greeted by a blonde angel like person .

Can we meet Mr Yoon Jeonghan?
Yeah it's me . And you guys are ?
I'm Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo and this is my friend Wen Junhui.
A Jeon? Wait, are you the son of Jeon ******?
Yeah I am.
Please come in Wonwoo. We are being watched so we need to be careful.
I think you must have come across Jeon's letter ?
Well 2 mafias were after your parents since a long time as......

At that moment there was a gunshot outside. Jeonghan told Wonwoo and Jun to hide in the basement . It was kind of a secret underground room. They both rushed to the basement as Jeonghan opened the door. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see that all his guards were dead . At that moment, he winced and fell on the ground as he was shot on his leg.
When he looked up, his eyes widened when he realized who the person was.

It was...............

Haha sorry for ending this chapter on a cliffhanger. I am feeling much better today so I thought of updating this story haha !!!!

Happy reading <333

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