Chapter 6

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It was Seokmin

He pushed Jeonghan away and started searching his house. I heard someone from the Jeon family came to visit you. Where are they ? He came out and started kicking Jeonghan. Tell me where are they ?

No one's here - Jeonghan replied with a whimper.

With one last kick Seokmin started searching the house again but he couldn't find anyone so he left. Jeonghan was still outside house practically unconscious as he was losing a lot of blood.

When Jun and Wonwoo heard Seokmin leaving,  they tiptoed upstairs to find Jeonghan bleeding profusely. They immediately took him inside and Jun started examining his wound.  The bullet had pierced though his legs so they had to take him to the hospital real quick.  They couldn't call the ambulance as it would create suspicion so they decided to take Jeonghan to Jun's hospital which was in a secured place in their car. Wonwoo was driving while Jun was with Jeonghan,  making sure that he was okay.

They reached the hospital and Jeonghan was immediately rushed to the operating room. Jun changed  his dress and went into the operating room while Wonwoo waited outside.  Wonwoo blamed himself for Jeonghan's injury.

After what seemed like ages (3 hrs to be specific) the operation ended and Jun came out.

He lost a lot of blood so we had to ask one of our doctors to donate blood as he's the only O negative doctor in our hospital.  We have transferred him to ICU . We just need to wait for him to wake up and then only we can continue with our case. Wonwoo you should go back home, Hoshi must be waiting for you. I'll stay in the hospital today.

Wonwoo thanked Jun and went back home.

Thank you for reading  :))
Gosh it's been ages since I last updated my stories  !!
Sorry for making  y'all wait !!!

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