Chapter 12

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Wonwoo woke up with a groan. He turned to his right side to find Jun sleeping on the chair. He checked the time and it was 3PM. Hoshi must be back home by now. He was reminded of the conversation they had with Jeonghan and he started tearing up again. He started sobbing but tried his best not to wake Jun up . He was still sobbing when he was pulled into a hug. That warmth. It was his Junnie. Jun kept on hugging him and comforting him . When he had finally managed to calm down Jun said
Wonwoo It's okay. I know how you feel but remember that none of this was your fault. And stop hiding your pain Wonwoo. I know it's been really hard to deal with everything alone. Let me take care of you Wonwoo. You might pretend to be strong but I know you're really fragile from inside.
Thank you so much Junnie. This is just so tough. I hate it so much. I need to be strong for Hoshi. Please never leave me Jun. You're the only person who's seen me at my lowest.  Promise me please.
I promise you Wonwoo,  I'll never leave you but let take care of you okay?

[ When you're tired of holding on to everthing for too long ,
fall apart into my arms,
the way you want to fall .
Crumble into me,
until your pain dissolves .
For I will not promise you
that I will fix you,
But I will promise you
that I'll pick up all your broken pieces
everytime you fall apart
and give it to you
when you're ready to fix yourself]

Yes I will let you take care of me Jun. I'll let you heal me , both physically and mentally....

To be continued.....
Thank you for reading :)

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