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               A warm heat wrapped around the saddened reaper. What was once gone found it's way back as the heat promised to never leave her side again, not now not ever.

                 Calli woke up from her dream tears eyed, not from sadness but instead joy. It has been around a week since the two have started dating and the two have never been better. Calli has gotten a new manager to help deal with some of her project's "paper heavy side" so that she can deal with them herself and Kiara has finally won over Calli's heart and now the two officially live together. The reaper cuddled her bedsheets for a bit more, the remanence of Kiara's Phoenix warmth still lingered, leaving Calli relaxed in it's familiar warmth. That was of course, until Kiara bursted through the room to wake her up.

                      "KIKIRIKI CALLI! Don't over sleep". The Phoenix shouted running to the bed to fall on her reaper girlfriend. Calli, frightened paused for a bit only to snap out of her trance to slap Kiara as she suddenly felt a rush of embarrassment. "I was awake already dumbass."
                      "Good" Kiara said with a sigh of relief getting up from the bed. "Oh yeah Gura, Amelia and Ina asked if you wanted to hangout later at their place wanna go?"
                       Calli shrugged. "Sure why not."

                     The two then continued off with their day. Calling people for future streams, making a once in a while decent breakfast (which was slightly hindered by Calli's horrible cooking prowess), and checking Twitter. Calli then prepared for a stream that day, nothing much probably just a bit of Minecraft which she has recently gotten more into with Kiara as the two have recently made a lot more collabs which is mostly due to the fact that they now live together.
The stream lasted for around two hours which were mostly just the two making banter as they built something in the background. Kiara making casual flirts to Calli with Calli brushing it off, blushing as the stream continued.
"All right guys I have something to do with Kiara later so I'll be finishing the super chats right now. Bye!" Calli said as she closed off her stream to head to Kiara for a hug.
The Phoenix, who still wasn't done tried too hide her blush but failed miserably as she too started to wrap up for her end of the stream.
"Bye guys! *closes stream* All right now we can hug" The Phoenix joined in as the two wrapped their arms together, lightly giggling as their phone began to ring to remind them, it's time to go down already.

A light doorbell sound triggered chaos in the Inamesame household as Gura began running to the door, tripping, before continuing again.
"Hello!" Gura shouted with a smile, wagging her tail in beat with her hand. Ina was the second to join her lightly bowing before the two beckoned Calli and Kiara in.
The group had Japanese that day ordering so much that the kitchen table turned into essentially a glorified buffet table along with TV of one of their senpai's collab streams in the background that they lightly watched with their chat.
"Oh yeah thanks again guys for helping with the date we had." Calli said looking down. "It was... something."
"Oh no problem, it was my idea really my idea. We had a lot of fun making it anyway." Ina said before continuing to slurp on her spicy ramen.
"Will you guys stay here longer like do you have a date you'll leave?" Kiara asked the Ina, Gura and Amelia.
The three shrugged in unison before laughing it off.
                "I'll probably explore Europe by myself for a bit before heading here again to say my final goodbyes" Ina said before she took a swig of doctor pepper.
"Gura and I will probably be here for a week more before exploring the rest of Germany for a couple weeks. We haven't really been outside of Munich really and we want to explore by ourselves. What about you guys what are you guys gonna do with Calli's house in Japan?"
Calli and Kiara looked at each other before Calli answered the question. "Well the general plan is that we'll probably go back and forth for a bit. After probably a year of doing so then we'll probably decide where we'll stay for a while."
The group continued off chatting small banter as they relaxed for a few more hours before Calli and Kiara waved their goodbyes.

"You know Kiara. When I first saw you I thought of you as an annoying hoe that wouldn't die. Now I still do but uhh" Calli stopped for a moment loosing track of what she was supposed to say.
"Cute you know? And uhmm loving and-" Calli got suddenly interrupted by Kiara kissing her lightly on the lips making her fumble a bit more.
"Sure you did" Kiara said grinning.

An eternity with you: A Takamori fanficWhere stories live. Discover now