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Monday 16th November

"Harry Styles is calling." I announced as Harv walked into rehearsal - 25 minutes late to be precise.

"You took my song recommendation?" He slung his bag onto the floor, making his way over to pull me in for a greeting hug.

I wrapped my arms around him as he dipped lower to my height, "of course."

Today we were being thrusted back into hold, leaving behind the life of Latin after a couple consecutive weeks.

There was a certain aura in the air this morning, on the first day back, learning a completely new routine, riding off the end of Saturday's high.

As I gave him a few minutes to settle into the new rehearsal studio, including a quick explore in some dodgy back prop room, I did a fast run through of the solidified beginning of the dance.

"Dancing the Tango, Harvey and Ellie Stone."

Giggling at his emphasised presenter voice, I missed the beginning of the song.

"Wait wait, stop." I laughed, completely messing it up.

"If you can't even do it how are you supposed to teach me." He sarcastically shook his head in disgust, before restarting the music, in which I followed with the correct steps and timing this time.


"Ballroom ballroom ballroom."

"I need to put my ballroom head back on."

He does indeed.

We needed to reintroduce the ballroom hold, along with the correct frame and head positioning.

"I'm taking this off." He decided, tugging the grey sweatshirt over his head.

"I told you and you said 'no I'll be fine I'm so cold'." I mimicked a wining voice.

"It was freezing outside." He pouted, shamefully walking over to place it on a bench.

"Come on," I beckoned as he came back over, resting my hands on his shoulders, "fallaway-slip-pivot let's go."

These are steps that don't come natural to him, therefore patience is key.

Showing Harv how the frame should be in another part of the dance as I stood in front of him, I watched as he held his head in his hands.

"Go again." I encouraged, looking ahead into the mirror.

He sighed with a small smile, pausing for a moment before attempting to regain the posture needed.

This must've been our 8th attempt and he'd just gotten it right, before going and messing it up straight after. Even though I couldn't relate, I still somewhat understood his irritation.

"Stop having these bad internal conversations with yourself."

"Ahh." He groaned with a laugh, beginning to give himself a pep talk, "you can do it Harvey."

"You will smash the Tango." I joined in.

"Harvey loves the Tango, the Tango loves Harvey."

Our chants filled the room, despite the tough start to the week, so far our attitudes were mostly still hanging in there.

Tuesday 17th November

"Saturday, I mean.." he paused, "wow."

A huge grin crawled onto my face as I watched him reminisce on the previous week.

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