Four|I Got Faith

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Show Day - Saturday 24th October 2020

"You look so tanned." Harvey said as he stood beside me comparing our colour.

"Look at my arm next to your face." I laughed, putting it up next to him.

"I really need a bit of colour in me, I'm really pale." He chuckled as we saw the sheer difference.

"2 runs with the band, absolutely smashed it." I complemented him.

"Hair and makeup ready for dress run." I stated, "I think they went for Dua Lipa vibes."

"Hmm, big fan big fan." He agreed.

"We actually have so many flowers." I grinned looking around our dressing room. I'd gone out, come back in and the amount had practically doubled.

"So give us a run down, what's what." I told him, Harvey going over and presenting them.

"These are for me from my mum and my family," he started, "orange cool ones, these are from.."

"Netty, we love Netty." I reminded him.

"These are from.." he did once again.

"My agent."

"Your agent," he giggled, not doing the best job of this, "these ones."

"These though, aww, oh my god I didn't even notice the little diamonds on them." It was a big bouquet of white and green flowers that he'd given me this morning, they were gorgeous to say the least.

"Then these are from Blair and Ginger, my agents, then this is from my family to you." He smiled.

"Aw that's so cute, they smell so good as well." I recognised, it was a bunch of colourful pinks and deep purples.

"So if anyone wants to buy any flowers we can put them up on Instagram." He joked.

"Are you ready for show 1? How you feeling?" I asked.
"I was born ready for show 1," he smirked, oo confidence, I like it.


"Pre-show warming up." I giggled as he danced around to some music, wearing his shirt and trousers.

In no time, we were all ready in our outfits, us all going down to the stage, greeting everyone else, nerves were very high in the whole building. This was the first live show, so it was expected. But no doubt, everyone was going to do incredible. There were people scattered throughout the audience, us spotting Harvey's family straight away.

The orchestra began to start, the words, "please welcome your hosts, Tess Daley and Claudia Winkleman." Sounding loudly around the room.

It was real now.

They continued to speak, us not really listening as we were chatting with some of the other couples, attempting to take their minds off having to dance live in front of millions, but as soon as we heard the iconic line "please welcome, the judges" that changed and we were back into Strictly mode.

Harvey smiled at me, "you've got this," I assured him.

He shook his head slightly, "we've got this."

I looked up at him with a grin, he pulled me into his side. I think he knew deep down I was shitting myself too but I was trying with all I had in me not to show it. If I was to do so, it would just make him and those around me worse so hiding my feelings was the best thing at this exact moment in time.

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