Chapter two! And this is?

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"Uh...Umm... Erika Rain Grey! Sorry wrong number! Bye!" I hung up even though he was asking me not too. I looked at Emma and Morgan. They had equally shocked expressions.

"ERIKA RAIN GREY WHAT THE F-," Emma slammed her hand over Morgan's mouth.

"Erika what did you just do?" Emma asked with a slowly rising temper.

"I...Uh...hung up on Harry Styles?" I asked nervously.

"And why, might I ask, did you do that?" She asked her temper almost at its breaking point.

"B-because I was scared...?" I answered. In all honesty I was still confused as to why I had hung up. I looked down and realized that they had handed me my phone for my prank call.

'Please don't call back... please don't call back... please don't call-...' Suddenly my phones ringtone, One Thing, started playing and I looked down carefully. My heart stopped and I threw my phone at Morgan before running away and hiding in the kitchen behind the counter. Fate hates me doesn't it?

"Hello?" I heard Morgan ask.

"This is Morgan Long, and yes you were speaking to an Erika Grey last time you called." I blushed and covered my face, heart pounding.

"You want to know how she got your number right." Morgan said.

"Well you see, my friend Erika is a little miss goody two shoes so I convinced her to prank call someone and my chance she call you!" She explained happily. I was so embarrassed that I never wanted to come out of my apartment again.

"Oh cool Let me go get her, she's having a mental breakdown behind the kitchen counter because she called you in her first prank call ever. I'm personally proud of her." Suddenly Morgan stood in front of me, a huge smirk on her face as she handed me the phone. I was mentally cursing her fifty times over.

"Hello...?" I asked shyly.

"You're not going to hang up on me this time are you?" Harry asked.

"N-no..." I whispered.

"Relax, nothing's wrong I was just a little impressed that on your first prank call you managed to call me." He said and I sighed. I moved to where I was lying flat on my stomach on the ground though.

"Is that all then?" I asked.

"Touchy, touchy I wanted to say since I'm impressed why don't you come to a concert or something?" He asked me.

"Sure, as long as I can bring my two friends with me though if not then I won't come." I said hesitantly.

"I'm sure I could arrange that. Where do you live anyway?" He asked.

"L.A." I answered simply.

"Perfect we have a concert there in two weeks. I'll see you then. The tickets will come in the mail text me everything else." Then he hung up. I dropped my phone and rolled around embarrassedly on the ground.

"So what'd he say?" Morgan asked happily. She and Emma were sitting next to me on the ground.

"That he was impressed and that we could come to their concert here in L.A. in two weeks and that the tickets for the three of us will come in the mail and that I need to text him everything else." I said quickly and Emma grabbed my phone and texted Harry everything else. Inwardly I was dancing and squealing like crazy but outwardly I looked as if I had just been dragged through all of hell- twice-and back.

"I still can't believe you called Harry Styles." Morgan said as we made our way back to the living room to lay down and watch more movies.

"Yeah, neither can I." I said and laid down.

"Hey Eri wanna prank call Niall for me?" Emma asked me with a nudge. I laughed and so did Morgan.

"No I think I'm done with Prank calling, for like, ever." I said and Emma mocked depression. The next morning I woke up before the other girls and cleaned up the mess we made from the night before. I got cleaned up and changed into some normal clothes. A really mean idea flickered through my mind. It was 7am and I was out for revenge. I grabbed the blow horn that my mom kept in her room for when the step-monsters and I were arguing and snuck into the living room. I blew the horn and they screamed- jumping awake faster than I'd ever seen anyone do. I started laughing and looked over at the two very angry girls and ran into my mom's room. I locked the door and hid the blow horn before running and locking myself in the bathroom in the closet.

The girls managed to get in the room because the key to my mom's room was hidden in the book shelf in the living room. I remained quiet and checked to see that my phones volume was off before sticking it back in my pocket. The bathroom door opened and when I heard them pass by the closet and I tossed the door open and dived onto their backs.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold!" I shouted before knocking them in the shower and turning on the cold water. I took off running out of the house and ran to Emma's dad's house. He let me in and we sat at the couch talking when two very wet and angry girls walked in. Emma's dad, Frank, was laughing as was I.

"Girls did you fall into the shower?" I asked innocently.

"Lying hoe, you pushed us in!" Morgan yelled.

"Why I would never do such an awful thing! I'm a goody two shoes remember?" I said innocently with a hand on my heart.

"If you weren't my best friend you'd be in a body cast." Morgan seethed before they left and changed. I thanked Frank before going to my own house. I opened an umbrella outside my door and evaded being covered with water. That was usually Morgan's way of pay back and then I stepped up and over the little wire that would cause something to hit me. I took ink and laid paper under it before slowly pouring the ink on it. I found where it started and untied it to disabled it before I threw it all away. I sat on my couch when the girls walked into my house in shock.

"I fell for it over 20 time's girls; you'll have to do better!" I said and we all laughed. We went and hung out until we came home around six. When I got through the front door I saw the step-monsters on the couch with their best friend Addison. I was walking by them when the twins turned their heads in sync.

"Well look what it is," Stephanie started, "The ugly step-freak." Daphne finished and then the three sixteen year olds laughed with freakishly high pitched laughs. I made sure mom and dad weren't around before I flipped them off and kept walking.

"Hey we're not done with you yet!" Stephanie yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm done with you." I said and walked into my room with a slam of the door. I locked it and pulled out my computer. I had a secret blog that I would type my thoughts on and tons of people read. But that's okay because mostly it's stories I have floating around, day dreams, thoughts, just random things.

Fate, real or something we wish was real tie together coincidences.

Recently something happened to me that I would say was fate, but I'm not sure that I really believe in it. Someone once said that there is no such thing as coincidences, there was only inevitability. But is it inevitable what happened to me? Or was it just the one in a million lottery? Sometimes I wonder what all was meant to happen and what all was caused by reckless actions but then I think back to that line and wonder, 'Was it really inevitable that it happened?' I suppose I just think into things too much and should just give in with the flow.

-Miss Unknown

I reread it and then clicked enter for the world to read it. I began to listen to One Direction and text Morgan and Emma. But then my phone went off. I looked down; it was a text from Harry.

'Okay you should get the tickets by Tuesday -XHarry StylesX'

'K -Eri' I texted back and edited his contact. I chose his picture as the one of him flipping off the camera and sat his ringtone to Moments. The name for him was; Hazza<3

Well maybe it was inevitable that I would talk to Harry.

Prank Call Of Fate? ~Harry Styles Love Story *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now