Chapter eight! Look back, laugh awkwardly, and be embarrassed.

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The next morning when I woke up I was the last up, I could hear everyone outside but I looked up. And he was there; again. It was Harry- just lying there looking at me.

"What's up?" I asked Harry and he smiled at me, dimples showing and my heart was pounding- so hard that I'm sure he could feel it. We were together similarly to the first time we fell asleep. His arms were around my waist I had one around his waist and the other touched his cheek. My head had been in the space between his neck and his shoulder.

"Nothing, you just look really beautiful when you're sleeping." He said and I blushed. I knew he could feel my heart beat when his smile grew. I blushed and lightly hit his shoulder.

"I really hate you right now." I said and he laughed.

"No you don't." He said.

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"Because your heart beat says otherwise Eri, I'm not stupid I can see you blushing." I blushed more and pushed him away.

"This is why I hate you." I said and tried to get away. He wouldn't let go.

"Harry let go of me." I said. Harry shook his head and hugged me.

"I know you felt it to." He whispered and I stilled.

"You..." I remembered out conversation from the night after the concert.

"All's fair and love in war." I flicked his curls.

"So which is this? I'm leaning towards War." I said and he thought for a moment.

"I'm not sure what do you want it to be?" He asked me, looking in my eyes. Something was in his voice. Something like... hope?

"All's fair and love in war." I flicked his curls.

"So which is this? I'm leaning towards War." I said and he thought for a moment.

"I'm not sure what do you want it to be?" He asked me, looking in my eyes. Something was in his voice. Something like... hope?

"Erika wi-,"

"Rise and shine beauty queens!" Morgan shouted as she slammed the door open. I jumped out of Harry's arms due to shock. Harry had jumped up too. Louis ran over and looked around me inspecting me.

"Do we need to get Harry's beanie out?" Louis asked.

"No stupid, I told you I wouldn't let him near me with a ten foot pole." I said and Louis hugged me.

"That's my girl!" He cheered and Harry pulled me away.

"That's my girl." Harry said and Emma and Morgan pulled me away.

"That's our girl." They said and they all glared at each other.

"How about we share Erika?" Niall suggested.

"Yeah, then she's be all of ours." Liam said.

"I like the sound of that." Zayn said. I groaned and face palmed.

"Okay so we all get her three hours and forty-two minutes a day and she has six seconds of alone time a day." Liam said and they all cheered except for me.

"No, how about I hand out with who I want when I want?" I suggested. They pouted but decided to go along with it.

"Breakfast time I'm starving!" I yelled and Niall and Emma cheered in agreement. We went into the living room and saw that we were the only ones here.

"Oh yeah, Paul and the others decided to go somewhere and so we're here alone." Zayn said and we walked into the kitchen. We decided to eat 'Puffcorn Cheetos', chips, doughnuts, and soda. Yep, we eat healthily.

"Erika can catch that type Cheetos in her mouth did you know that?" Emma asked and they all looked curiously.

"No we didn't." Louis said and tossed one at me, I caught it with ease.

"Back at home we'd see how many she could catch; her mom said she's been able to do it since she was three. We turned it into a game actually." Morgan explained, she tossed one up to Emma, who tossed it really high up and I tilted my head back, hands on my hips, and caught it.

"Whoa, that's hot." Harry said and I winked at him, I swear he blushed.

"Can't you do it too Haz?" I asked and he smirked.

"Let's make a game. Erika and Harry at one end of the table and we'll throw these at them and see how many they can catch, but who will keep score?" Louis suggested and we all nodded.

"I will." Zayn said and sat at the end of the table. We sat on the right side and I looked at Harry and he looked at me.

"Let's make it interesting." Harry said.

"How are you planning on making it 'interesting'?" I asked.

"If I win you go on a date with me." He said, I thought for a minute.

"Sure, and if I win you be my slave for a day." I said.

"What type of slave?" He asked suggestively with a wink.

"You'll just have to find out." I winked back.

"Okay either we play or we let you release sexual tension in Harry's room." Liam said and I blushed.

"Liam!" I yelled.

"What it was obvious that you two were flirting and the rest of us, Louis and I since our lovely ladies aren't here, feel uncomfortable. So we would gladly lock you in Harry's room for an hour and then he could wear the beanie." Liam said so I threw and ice cube at him while singing, 'Frosty the snowman!'

"Let's get started!" Zayn cheered and we all agreed.

"I won't lose!" Harry and I yelled.

Prank Call Of Fate? ~Harry Styles Love Story *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now