Chapter four! Back off my husband!

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Morgan, Emma, and I were walking towards the backstage. Harry told me to come by their room first so I followed the directions that he had texted me. His joke in the beginning was about how I should only go 'One Direction' and to be a jerk I texted back, 'And it's definitely not a straight one' and for his revenge he only texted me one word at a time until I called him and apologized. Jerk.

We got to the door that led to the room that all of the boys were in and all of us were nervous, excited, and anxious. We showed the guards the passes and the texts and then we all fought over who'd be in the front so we settled on Emma, then Morgan, then me. It took a lot of fighting to get the back spot.

"You guys must be Emma Eddison, Morgan Long, and Erika Grey." Liam said with a smile. At the sound of our names the other boys came running. I kept my head down and was about to leave when my phone went off and that was when I was tackled into a hug. I looked up and it was Louis Tomlinson.

"You're the girl that prank called Harry! That was amazing love! We should prank call sometime!" I laughed and Harry pulled me away.

"Louis don't kill her, I need to have someone to annoy." He said and hugged me too him. I blushed and started squirming.

"Let me go curly boy!" I cried and looked around. Niall and Emma were talking about food. Zayn and Morgan we're talking about mirrors or something. I couldn't hear. Harry wouldn't let me go, Louis was tugging on me, they were arguing over me and then Liam pulled me away.

"Bad Larry Stylinson; no killing the fans we need to keep them alive." Liam scolded and I laughed.

"Hello I'm Erika Grey." I greeted and he shook my hand.

"Liam Payne." He said back with a smile.

"I know I'm a fan remember?" He laughed and nodded. Emma, Morgan, and I all introduced ourselves to the band members afterward Emma and Niall continued to talk as did Zayn and Morgan. Liam and Louis were on the phone with Danielle and Eleanor and I was left to talk to Harry. Half the things Harry asked me had simple answers as did what I asked him. Paul told the boys it was time to go onstage so Morgan, Emma, and I all moved to the front and watched. During Harry's solo in WMYB he pointed at me the whole time. They were changing around lyrics in songs again and during Niall's solos he'd point to Emma and the same for Zayn. We all just about died for two reasons.

1.) Our crushes/loves of our lives/future husbands were pointing to us on stage 

2.) Our crushes/loves of our lives/future husbands were pointing to us on stage so all of the fans were giving us the 'I will kill you' glare

After the concert we headed back stage again but this time there were three more girls there. And they we're on Harry, Niall, and Zayn but they were trying to keep a distance from the girls. Emma and Morgan were obviously seething but I was inwardly seething with a sweet smile on my face. Emma stomped over and glared at the red head clinging to Niall and Niall gave her the, 'Please help me!' look so Emma tapped on the girls shoulder. She turned and looked at Emma.

"Hi you're on my boyfriend." The girl jumped away in fright at the sheer anger that was around Emma. The girl ran off and Emma smiled at Niall.

"Problem solved!" She chimed and then they talked about food again and other things. The funniest one was Morgan though. She fake tripped and hit the girl as she did.

"Oops sorry, I'm a klutz!" She apologized with a glare that would make the devil run. But this girl wasn't as smart as the devil would've been. She remained clinging to the poker-faced Zayn but Liam, who was next to me, got a text from him that asked for help. I stifled at laugh at the situation and Zayn glared slightly at me. Morgan got up and fell again, but this time she knocked her away from Zayn.

"Oops sorry again, I so meant to do that." She said in an innocent voice. The girl glared but Paul removed her before anything happened and told the other girl she had five minutes. I ignored Harry and the girl with multicolored hair. I felt my phone go off.


Save. Me Now and stop acting like you don't see me.

I groaned and turned towards Harry and the girl.

"Excuse me, but your perfume is giving me a huge headache, since oh you know, you freaking smell like you bathed in it!" I said and glared at the end. She glared back and moved away from Harry.

"What did you just say?" She asked.

"Well if you need me to spell it out for you, I said you stink; terribly." I said and crossed my arms with a smirk.

"So you're ugly." She said and I shrugged.

"I hear that everyday you'll have to try better." I said and she started thinking I just sighed and shook my head.

"There's nothing you could call me that I haven't been called already." I said. I felt the curious glances of the other boys, including Harry's. Emma and Morgan already knew what I was talking about.

"Well you're a... a..."

"Save it honey, it'd be best for you to leave and then come and find me when you have a brain. It'll save you a lot of pain." I said and shoved her towards the door.

"Are you threatening me?" She asked and I laughed in fake shock.

"No hun, I'm promising you." And then I shoved her out the door.

"That was awesome." Liam said and we all laughed. We all traded numbers and were talking for a while.

"Boys it's time to leave." Paul said. We all frowned.

"How long will we be in L.A. Paul?" Harry asked from next to me.

"About a month or a month and a half all we have to do is get you boys a place to stay." Paul said and we all cheered. We told them some of the best hotels around and they picked one. We drove with them to the hotel and hung out there. They all got the presidential suite. After a while it was around 11:30 at night and we were going to drive home but Paul told us not too because it was too late and he'd rather us leave when it was bright out. We didn't argue. We all sat in living room and were having a movie night. Niall and Emma were cuddled up asleep on the couch as were Zayn and Morgan. Liam and Louis were asleep on the other couch. Harry and I were on the floor in front of the TV. It was the end of some crappy horror movie and he and I were just talking now.

"So what did you mean when you said that you get called ugly every day?" He asked and I shrugged.

"My mom got remarried to a really nice guy with twin daughters. I don't know what I did to them but they hate me and they never really made it easy to love them so I have a strong dislike for them. They call me the 'Ugly step-freak' but I ignore them though you know..."

"Sometimes it hurts?" Harry asked and I nodded.

"But I call them the monsters back." I smiled and he laughed.

"Don't listen to them Eri, you're not ugly. No woman in the world is ugly. The only way a woman can be ugly is if they are ugly on the inside." Harry said and I laughed.

"How do you know I'm not?" I asked with a smirk. He smiled, showing his dimples.

"Because I know you, and I know that you're not." I blushed.

"Thank you..." I whispered. We talked for a little bit more before I eventually fell sleep.

Prank Call Of Fate? ~Harry Styles Love Story *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now