Chapter twelve! Break the rules, break my heart

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"Harry I need to tell you something now." I said seriously. He was smiling happily.

"Yes beautiful?" He asked.

"I have two rules that you have to go by while we're dating; if you can't handle them and think that you'll break them then let's end this right now." I said seriously and he turned serious as well.

"What are your rules?" He asked seriously.

"They shouldn't be surprising. The first one is don't pressure me into things or I'll leave you on the spot and two, this is by far the most important you'll understand why; Please don't cheat on me. If you find someone else leave me, it won't leave as many scars as it would if you were cheating on me. If you break either one of those then you might never be able to win me back." I said holding myself and already felt the fear that he would leave me, I'd always known rejection from every boy except for my dad and the boys in One Direction. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me closely to him; he buried his face in the space between my neck and shoulder. My eyes widened and I smiled gently, I was going to trust him, I was going to trust my heart to Harry Edward Styles and I knew I knew he'd never break it. Or at least I hoped he wouldn't.

"I won't break those rules, ever. I never want to break your heart because... because I love you Erika." My eyes widened and tears welled into them. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his shirt.

"I love you too Harry... I love you too..." I said and he pulled away from me and smiled. I swear I saw some tears but I wasn't sure because he picked me up before I could say anything.

"Harry put me down!" I laughed.

"No can do beautiful." He said and carried me through the lobby bridal style and people were staring at us whispering about how cute we were. I was embarrassed so I hid my head in Harry's shirt and he laughed. We got up to the hotel and Harry opened the door.

"Boo bear help me!" I yelled.

"Does someone need help?" Louis shot up and ran over to us. He pulled me away from Harry.

"You're free now Erika, run!" He shouted and I laughed. Suddenly Eleanor, Danielle, Emma, and Morgan we're surrounding me.

"Girl's night, Harry sleep with Louis, Liam with Niall, Zayn... you be Zayn." Eleanor and Danielle yelled and thee four girls dragged me into Harry's room and locked the door. They had snacks, drinks, and DVD's. I wasn't getting out till morning. They weren't planning on leaving either since they were in their pajamas. We all sat on the floor in front of the bed in a big circle after I had showered and changed. They made me tell them everything about the date so I told them everything. When we got to the part about the monster I had to explain all about my childhood and the monsters and the letters, pretty much my life story. Let's say it got pretty emotional in there.

"That was so cute!" Eleanor said happily and I laughed. She was playing with my hair and I was sitting there watching Danielle play with Morgan's hair while Emma was plotting up ideas about if Harry ever broke the rules.

"Oh hush Em, he would never do that to Eri, you heard him; he loves her." Danielle hushed her and we laughed. Suddenly Eleanor stopped with my hair.

"How is this?" I knew it wasn't down because I didn't feel it. Morgan pulled out her lover- her mirror- and showed me. I started dying laughing with everyone else. She had given me hair that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. We all stayed up and hung out and really got to know each other before we all slept. Morgan and Emma were hanging off the bed when we woke up. Danielle and Eleanor were sprawled out and squishing me. I shot up and pushed them all off the bed.

"Erika!" They all yelled before laughing. We all got dressed and Dani and El insisted on lots of pictures and a trip to the mall. I had been there a lot lately, I wonder if they were tired of seeing my face.

We showed them the best stores and when we'd try something on we'd do it dramatically and whoever wasn't changing would take pictures. After we went to some amazing stores we went to get something to snack on before going to other stores. Shopping with those two was so much fun, I swear they were amazing. They fit with Emma, Morgan, and I so well you'd guess that they'd been there from the start. We were the five girlfriends of the five One Direction members. Not only did we support our boyfriends, we supported the entire band, and each other.

They were talking about songs that they thought described their relationships with their boyfriends and I was laughing at some of them. "So Eri what's yours?" Eleanor asked me. I placed my finger to my lips and thought for a minute before snapping my fingers.

"Mine by Taylor Swift. I love her music so much; I know every one of her songs and have been to a lot of her concerts." I said with a smile.

"Aw that is so cute!" Emma said with a smile.

"Yeah that is so cute." I heard that voice from behind me. I was so glad we were leaving the mall because I swung back and punched her in the jaw; not even hesitating.

"Shut up slut and stay out of my life. As far as I'm concerned I'm an only child." I spat. On the ground holding her jaw was Stephanie. Daphne came at me but I slapped her so hard she fell down to. Addison yelled at me and I punched her too. The girls were cheering me on. I turned and dusted my hands off and we walked to the car.

That felt good. "I should've done that such a long time ago." I said smiling. Emma was driving and Morgan was next to her. I was in the middle of the back seat with Eleanor and Danielle on either side of me.

"Hell ya you should've! Did you see that? 'Yeah that is so cute.' Bam the beach went down- Eri, super beach!" Morgan cheered and shot her fist in the air. I laughed like crazy; she never said any other word besides Hell so she'd change it to things like that.

"You are so not allowed to watch scream anymore." I said and she laughed along with the other girls. I already felt amazingly happy.

When we got back the hotel room was destroyed again. We all sighed but at least the boys weren't fighting, they were being scolded by Paul.

"Paul!" All of us girls said happily. He turned and smiled at us, "Hello girls. Now Emma, Morgan, Erika- you don't have any more school. You've been excused early and have all of your credits. So you can leave with us when leave tomorrow due to a surprise interview in Utah. Eleanor and Danielle are coming as well." We all cheered.

"Hell yes I don't have to go to that hell-hole anymore! Uh-huh, who's a boss? Me, Morgan Long, that's who!" Morgan sung while happily dancing around. Emma and I joined her and said our names instead of hers. We all went and packed up and then put our bags in the living room and then the boys did. That night we all decided to hang out in the living room. Louis, Eleanor, Harry and I were on one couch. Niall and Emma were on one couch with Zayn and Morgan. Liam and Danielle were on the other one and Paul was uncomfortably sitting at the end. Finally he couldn't handle the couple-y atmosphere so he left.

"Is he gone yet?" Morgan asked and we nodded. She shoved a DVD in and it was Scream. The five of us girls laughed and the boys all raised their eyebrows.

"You should've been there." We said and they nodded.

"We should've been there." They said. By the end of the movie most people where asleep, and Morgan was out like a light- she had done all of Tatum's parts. I was Sydney, Harry was Billy, Louis played Billy's accomplice (Forgot his name lol), and Eleanor played the victim in the begging. Everyone else did the voices for whoever. It was hilarious to say the least. Liam and Danielle were cuddled up, both asleep. Niall and Emma were cuddled up asleep as well as Zayn and Morgan. Louis and Harry were out but Eleanor and I were awake so we were whispering before Harry and Louis told us to shut up and sleep already because we were keeping them awake. So we hit them and told them to hush up before we cuddled up against them and went to sleep.

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