Chapter fifteen! "How do you feel about that

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We were all sitting comfortably onstage and the interview was just about to begin. There was a sound and they started, the live audience tuning in from the side. "Hello and welcome to Sunshine morning, it's rather late here in Utah don't you think? Today we have five very lucky boys and five very lucky girls. Please welcome One Direction and their girlfriends!" She said and the crowd cheered. I gripped Harry's and Eleanor's hands a bit tighter. She started with Liam, Danielle, Louis, and Eleanor since they were the longest lasting couples so far. After them they moved to me and Harry of course. I was so nervous I felt a knot in my stomach. Harry must've sensed my nervousness since he pulled me closer to him, his arm around my waist securely and my head on his shoulder. He leaned his head on top of mine and locked our free hands together. "Aww you two are so cute." She said and the crowd agreed. The others laughed.

"They better be! It took forever for them to finally get together." Morgan said and I glared at her.

"Shut it Mrs. Malik." I said.

"You shut it Mrs. Styles." She said back.

"Both of you shut it." Emma said.

"You shut up Mrs. Horan." Morgan and I said.

"All of you shut it." Danielle said.

"You shut it Mrs. Payne." The three of us said.

"Okay how about you all shut up so Erika and Harry can talk about their relationship?" Eleanor suggested.

"Oh shut up Mrs. Tomlinson." We all said and then all of us girls laughed.

"I can tell you five girls are really close." The lady, Emily, who was doing the interview said.

"Yeah, the girls and I became really close after Harry and I got together because I hadn't met Dani and El before that. I was always close to Emma and Morgan though; we've been friends since we were younger." I said and she nodded.

"So how did you and Harry first meet?" She asked and Harry and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Well the thing is I can be described as a goody-goody." I said and she nodded for me to continue. "I don't like to do things that I know will get me into trouble. My counterparts Emma and Morgan over there, they weren't afraid to do crazy things. Trouble always seems to find Morgan no matter what she's doing, and Emma she sometimes looks for it for the fun of it. Me on the other hand I'm that friend that's like, 'don't do it' and then I realize they're going to do it anyways so I become the, 'do it but I have nothing to do with this at all' friend." Harry chuckled.

"Here comes the fun part." He said.

"Well they begged me and begged me to prank call with them. I'd never done it before but I gave up and did it. Well I dialed a random number feeling absolutely horrified and then when the other person answered I really felt like I was going to die. It was my crush; Harry Edward Styles. When I double checked and he said who it was I yelled who I was and I hung up on him! Needless to say my friends chewed me out." I said and everyone laughed.

"How did you react to the phone call Harry, just some weird girl yelling her name into the phone and hung up on you?" Emily asked him. Harry laughed.

"After she said her name I literally yelled to her to not hang up. The lads were looking at me like I was crazy. I called back but this time Morgan answered. She told me that it was Eri's first prank call ever and called my phone. And that after I called back she went and had a mental breakdown behind her kitchen counter." He nudged me and I blushed.

"Hush it Styles." I said and he laughed and pecked my cheek.

"You know you love me Grey." He said and I laughed.

"After Morgan put me on the phone with Harry I was so nervous about it and he said he was so impressed that he wanted me to come to it to a concert and I was allowed to bring Morgan and Emma. They met Zayn and Niall and hit it off, as did Harry and I. The guys were great and the first person I actually saw was Louis when he tackled me into a hug saying how awesome it was that I called Harry on my first time." I said with a fond smile at the memory.

"Cute, Harry did you only invite her because you were impressed or were their other reasons too?" Emily asked and I looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow. Let's find out a secret.

"Well it was more than that actually. The first time I heard her voice it was stuck in my head. I just had to meet this girl who was so easily stuck in my mind. So without even thinking I invited her to a concert with backstage passes. It wasn't until after that I realized what I had done. I looked on twitter for her pictures and when I saw her face it was stuck in my mind all the time until I met her. Then she was all I could think about and talk about if you ask the guys." The others nodded.

"The guy wouldn't shut up about her until he met her, then it just got worse." Liam said and we laughed. I hugged Harry.

"Aw it's okay Hazza I love you too." I said and he hugged me back, his arms around my waist and mine around his neck.

"Ha, I love you too." He said and everyone was squealing at the overwhelming cuteness factor. We continued to answer a few questions until they moved onto Emma and Morgan's relationships with Niall and Zayn. I laid my head on Harry's shoulder and listened occasionally adding my own opinion like everyone else. We all had fun and you could tell. But I still couldn't shake the feeling that since Lola was back in the picture that something bad was coming our way.

Prank Call Of Fate? ~Harry Styles Love Story *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now