Chapter one! Prank Call of Fate?

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I groaned at the loud banging on the door. I stretched my hand and grabbed my cell phone off of the night stand; 8:57am Saturday April 14th. Who the heck thinks it's smart to be up this early? The banging continued so I stood up and put on my slippers. I looked at my self, wild bed head, pink tank-top, pink, green, and white stripped pajama pants, sleep filled eyes, pink slippers. Yep, the object of beauty! I walked towards my door and saw a note two notes. One was from my mom and step-dad, the other was from my younger step-monsters. So I read my mom's first.

Hey lovely, your father and I will be out until late tomorrow, he has a business meeting just outside L.A. and I'm going to go. You're step-monsters are going to be at a friend's house so you have the house to yourself. Wild parties are a no but wild slumber parties are acceptable!! Well love, I have to go. -Love mom and dad.

I was used to her saying dad instead of step-dad and that's what I called him too. I barely remember my dad since he and my mom got a divorce when I was younger, so it's kind of blurry. I barely remember what my real dad looks like; I just remember that he was sleeping with my art teacher so my mom divorced him. I took my mom's side since my dad was kind of a player. At my kindergarten graduation he danced with the art teacher instead of my mom. I read the note from the step-monsters, my mom even called them that; but not to their faces of course.

Dear Loser, Daphne and I are going to be at Addison's house until way late tomorrow. Get a life already, -Stephanie.

I crumbled it up and threw it in the trash can along with my mom's on the way to the front door. I got to the door and looked through the peep-hole before unlatching the door. There stood a girl with long platinum blonde hair, lightly tanned skin, and blue eyes, and another with really long dark blonde hair, naturally tan skin, and brown eyes covered by a pair of sunglasses. "Babe what are you doing?" The one with sunglasses, my best friend Morgan Long, asked.

"Uh sleeping? Duh, it's what normal people do on Saturdays at 9 in the morning." I replied like I was talking to a small child. She just shrugged it off.

"Well get ready Eri, we're going to the mall. We talked about it last night remember?" Emma Eddison, the platinum blonde and my other best friend, asked. I groaned and let them in.

"I forgot, ugh gimme a minute to go get ready." I said and ran into my room. I took a quick shower and changed into skinny jeans, a white tank-top, open gray jacket and a couple of necklaces. I put on a pair of white toms and walked down the hall while brushing my hair. It was already semi-dry since I ran the blow dryer over it once. Morgan was in shorts and a tank-top while Emma wore a skirt and a tank-top. We all had on toms; yeah we're pretty epic like that. I walked over to them, "Ready to go?" I asked and they nodded. We all grabbed our bags and walked out the door. We took Emma's car, a mustang that had an awesome roof that we usually left down. Emma and Morgan sat in the front and I sat in the middle of the back seat.

"What do you want listen to?" Emma asked Morgan and me.

"I don't care." I said and Emma sighed.

"You should start being more decision making." She said and I laughed. Morgan put in a CD and flipped to a track.

"I so need this song, it describes how I feel right now." She said and it was 'Better than Revenge' by Taylor Swift. We all sang it and we doing our own little dances. When it ended Emma turned it down some.

"So I take it you and Marshall broke up?" I asked Morgan nodded.

"Yeah he like, cheated on me with some whore named Cindy." She said and laughed.

"And you don't care?" I asked and she smirked.

"My heart was stolen a long time ago by a man named Zayn Malik." I laughed at her and so did Emma. She blushed and glared.

"I'm being serious here!" She said and we nodded.

"We know Morgan we just like teasing Malik." Emma said and Morgan scoffed.

"Shut it Horan, you too Styles." Emma and I blushed and looked down while Morgan laughed. We sat there singing and dancing until we got to the mall. We walked in and did our routine. Go to our favorite stores, get food, go to a few other stores that we liked but weren't really our favorites, and then got a smoothie to go before heading back to the car. By the time we left the mall it was noon so we decided to go watch a movie. It was 2 after that so we took our bags back to our houses. We went to the beach for a little bit and came back around 4. We went back to our houses and then met up in mine.

"So do you guys want to stay over?" I asked and they nodded rapidly. We watched TV and listened to One Directions 'Up All Night' album. We also watched a bunch of One Direction YouTube videos and read through some of our old magazines. Around seven or so we ordered some pizza and Emma took a shower and got ready. When the pizza got here we put it in the kitchen and Morgan went and got ready. After she got out it was my turn while the other girls put the pizza, movies, ice cream, popcorn, candy, and soda on the table and put a munch of blankets down. Emma was in a baggy One Direction shirt and slippers, I was in pajama shorts and a tank top, and Morgan was in a knee-length night gown. We all lay on the blankets and started to eat and watch movies. At about 8 or so Morgan and Emma flipped out a cell phone.

"Time to prank call people!" they cheered.

"No!" I cheered with fake enthusiasm.

"What, come on Erika you never want to do this?" Morgan whined and pulled on my arm.

"No." I said. Emma tugged on my other arm.

"Pretty please with a Harry Styles on top?" She asked. I blushed.

"Em that's so dirty!" I yelled and she laughed and we fell back.

"But seriously, will you please do it? Just once, that's the only time." Morgan begged and I sighed.

"Fine, but just this once okay?" I said and they cheered. They did it a few times and then handed me the phone.

"Call, you're turn!" Emma said and tossed me the phone. I felt my stomach tighten and I was suddenly really nervous with second thoughts. I shakily punched in a random number and put the phone on speaker. It rang a few times before someone answered.

"Hello?" My heart stopped. I knew that voice. I had heard it so many times it was as familiar as my own even if it was singing or otherwise. But how is that possible? On my first ever prank call I called a celebrity. But not just any celebrity, a world famous one that was in an even more famous band. This world famous celebrity also happened to be my crush.

"Hello?" The voice asked again.

"He-hello... Who is this?" I asked back, in a state of shock. I had to be sure, though I already knew I was right. I looked at the girls who also looked just as shocked.

"Harry Styles and this is?" I was right; it was him.

My crush, Harry Edward Styles of One Direction and I had managed to prank call him on my very first prank call; I didn't know if I should be happy about this or absolutely terrified.

Prank Call Of Fate? ~Harry Styles Love Story *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now