Chapter 29: Natsu Vs Me

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Natsu Vs Me

The crowd of people, all the noise, everything...just vanished. All my focus was on him and all of his focus was on me.

I had protected him from that blast of lightning. Why? Why did I do that? It just happened so fast. I didn't even have to think. All my instincts had just roared to life. All of them screaming, Help him!, and I had. I knew that I cared for him more than I should.

But...I couldn't I would never allow that. I would beat him. I would walk away from this clearing successfully. I would walk away with the knowledge that I had beat the three Dragon Slayers of Fairy Tail.

Even as I told myself this, my heart leaped against my chest at the the thought of hurting him.

What a strange feeling to have.

I faced Natsu and gripped my daggers tighter. I clenched my jaw tight and with a soft growl, I sent them back. With a flash of icy blue light they were gone. I wouldn't be using my daggers against him. I knew I couldn't.

We took a moment to look at each other. I looked over him. He had a nasty cut above his right eye that was still bleeding. He was leaning heavily on his right leg. He had bruises up and down his face. From what I could see from his open vest was that he also had a few cuts on his toned chest and stomach.

Both he and I were breathing heavily as we studied one another. The air around both of us was practically crackling with tension. The crowd of people were quiet as they watched and waited anxiously for one of us to make a move.

Then at the same time, we went for one another. Natsu raised his fist in the air and struck.
My arm shot out and I stopped his blow with one hand. I bit my lip to stop my yelp of pain as a flare of pain shot up my broken fingers. I gripped his hand as we stared at each other. I blinked my one eye and twisted his arm with a flick of my wrist.

He gritted his teeth and brought his knee up. I moved out of the way and let go of his arm. I danced away when he kicked out again. I brought up my hand to back hand him across the face, when I stopped. I didn't know why I stopped.

I just did.

What was happening to me?

Instead I blocked his fists when he tried to deliver a punch. I leaped away from him. Come on, Freya! I told myself angrily. Focus!

I could do this.

I ran forward and struck out with a well-aimed kick to the stomach. Natsu staggered back with a grunt. I tried to kick him in the face but he brought up his arm and intercepted my blow. Next, I sent a flurry of punches at him and he managed to dodge or block some of them.

One of my punches managed to get through his defenses and it cracked him in the nose. Natsu's nose began to bleed heavily but he didn't stop blocking. I managed to get through his defenses to grab his shoulders. I gripped Natsu's shoulders and brought my knee up.

I kneed him in the center of his chest. He let out a breathless gasp and staggered away from me. His eyes were like burning green embers as he looked at me. His chest heaved with every raspy breath he took. I wasn't fairing much better than he was.

My body was shaking and my knees felt like they would give at any moment. But, I didn't fall. Instead, I stood taller. My cloak was in tatters as it flapped around me. I slowly reached up to my shoulder and gripped the cloth. With a yank, it tore free, and with a flick of my wrist, it floated to the ground at my feet.

Natsu visibly took a deep breath and spread his legs further apart. He brought up his arms and lit his hands on fire. He brought his clawed up hands to either side of his head. His black and golden vest flapped around his sides as he leaned back slightly. Natsu's scarf covered up half of his face, so all I could really see were his burning eyes. And I swore, I saw a Dragon, made entirely out of fiery golden flames, roar behind him.

It was beautifully deadly.

We both stood there. Watching each other. Time seemed to slow around us as we both suddenly went for each other. With a battle cry, I kicked off the ground, flew over Natsu's head, and I barley missed his fire fueled hands reaching for me. I landed behind him and I crouched down low. I swept my leg under the Fire Dragon Slayer and satisfaction coursed through me as I felt my leg make contact with both his legs.

With a grunt Natsu went down. I rolled and leaped to my feet just as he sent fire at me. I danced away from the flames. My eye widened when I felt his arms wrap around me from behind, pinning my arms to my sides. He was fast. I was crushed up against his chest and I shivered against my will, when I felt his muscles ripple against my back, and felt his hot breath in my ear.

With a snarl, I kicked my feet off the ground, throwing my weight back as I did so. Once again I found myself on the ground. Natsu was underneath me and his arms had loosened around me. I flipped over on my stomach and sat up.

I pushed my knees into his stomach and grabbed his wrists. I put his wrists above his head, so he couldn't get away, or try and strike me. As I looked down at him, I couldn't help but remember the first day I had come to the Guild.

Let's fight again, okay?

Well, Natsu, you finally got what you wanted, eh?

His eyes gleamed up at me and that's when I noticed that flames were running down his throat from his mouth. My eyes widened and I had just let go of his wrists, when orange flames shot from his mouth. I jerked back, barley missing the flames, as they passed inches away from my face.

I quickly rolled off of him. My skin and back were still on fire where he had grabbed me from behind. My hands felt warm and strange where I had grabbed his wrists.

I shook myself as Natsu slowly got back onto his feet. This was my chance. With a low growl I ran toward him, leaped into the air, and did a spinning kick to his chest. With a breathless gasp he fell to his knees. I landed on my feet without a sound. I gazed down at him as my heart lodged itself in my throat. I closed my eye and flashed it open again.

With a screech I brought down my fist...and stopped an inch away from his face. I stared into Natsu's eyes and I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it...


I couldn't hurt him. I couldn't see him in pain. I couldn't, wouldn't, hurt him. All the fight drained out of me and I fell to my knees before him. I took a shuddering breath and blinked my eye.
My body was shutting down. I used too much Magic and I pushed my body as far as it could go. But...Natsu...he was okay.

I heard Natsu shift and I looked up. I was fully expecting him to hit me and knock my ass out. What I didn't expect was for him to be giving me a closed eyed smile. "That was fun, eh?" He said with a painful chuckle. My jaw dropped at his reaction. "W-what?" I stuttered out. Natsu cocked his head to the side. "'re eye looks pretty bad, let me help you."

Natsu shakily got to his feet and extended his hand to me. I could feel my eye widening. Was this some sort of trick? "Come on, Fey." Natsu told me breathlessly.

I hesitated for just a moment, then I put my shaking hand in his warm one, and he pulled me up. He surprised me further when he lifted my arm and put it around his neck. "You can lean on me until I can get you to, Wendy." He told me with a small smile.

And I did just that. I leaned into him as he began leading me out of the clearing where we had our battle. "Coool!! The battle has taken an unexpected turn! Natsu Dragneel and Freya", Suddenly Natsu stopped, raised his hand into the air, "Have both won!",and stuck out his thumb and pointer finger out.

The Fairy Tail Salute.

Even if we cannot see you...

We are always looking you're way...

Tears filled my eye and I did the Salute right with him as cheers rose up around us.

I will always be looking you're way...Natsu

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