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( ok uuuhm I just realized that I put Lumine in the last chapter and don't remember if I mentioned the traveler before. Bc if I did, it was probably Aether who I mentioned... well however, I'm too lazy to check this, so for the further story: Lumine will be the traveler here )

After Childe promised Zhongli to pay for the food that little ( Y/N ) ate a while ago, he needed to go back to work for a while. Lumine had then told the two that Teucer came all the way from Snezhnaya since his big brother was busy with work, he asked her if she could watch over the small boy for the day, or at least till he finished his daily work. The female asked if Zhongli would want to help her to what the tall male agreed, but that was probably not the best decision that alumina had ever made since it ended up with her having to babysit Teucer, ( Y/N ) and Zhongli as well as he would get distracted by all kind of things on the way and always was about to buy random stuff that he liked while ( Y/N ) did what they could do the best along with the small ginger head right now — to run away.

And what made all this even worse was that the preparations for the lantern rite had just begun and the streets of the harbor were even more busy than usual. "I'm never doing anything for that stupid harbinger ever again" the blonde traveler cursed under her breath as she dragged Zhongli by his ear and held Teucer in her arm while ( Y/N ) was clinging onto her leg while she was walking.

They arrived at a tea house short after that was near the northland bank. They sat down on one of the tables and Lumine ordered four cups of tea and watched how the tall male beside her was telling about osmanthus wine and those who share the memories while the two kids obviously didn't understood a single word of what he was saying, but other than Teucer, ( Y/N ) at least pretend like they did as they had had two fingers rested on their chin and nodded along the sentences with an judging expression on their face like an artist would look like while walking through an art gallery.

"Oh, seems like you're having fun over here" Childe called out as he finally walked over towards the four of them and waved while Lumine just glared at the male who slightly sweat-dropped. "Ehehe... Teucer!" The ginger head quickly turned away from the traveler and towards his small brother. "Did you enjoy your day?" He asked while ruffling the small boy's head who laughed at this before answering.

"Yes!! ( Y/N ) and Zhongli are really nice and Big sister Lumine is just how you told us!! She's reeeeally beautiful and kind!" He cheered as that was just another topic that the Harbinger tried to avoid.
Lumine looked at him with suspicion, not knowing about the whole bunch of letters that Childe wrote to his family.

"Ah, Zhongli, how was your day?" He then turned towards the tall male who seemed to think for a second before he slightly nodded and answered.
"It indeed was an interesting day. I was able to buy these jade along the way" he said while pulling out a small bag with jade in it before Lumine looked at him dumbfounded. "When did you even buy that?!" She asked as she was sure that she held him in distance of ever shop on the way there.

Zhongli shrugged his shoulders a bit, not really remembering either while he put the bag away again.
"I remember, I have something to ask" he then said, getting the attention of everyone around.
"Would you like to accompany me and ( Y/N ) on the last day of the lantern rite?" He asked as Lumine though for a second about it but happily agreed afterwards while Teucer didn't even needed a second to raise his arms and exclaim an excited 'Yes!'.

Childe laughed at this but agreed as well, not wanting to disappoint his little brother.


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It took me a while but here you have another chapter

Ah I'm totally sick rn and it's not amusing 🥲 I swear I never felt as worse as I do now and I hope that I will get healthy soon again Bc I can't handle that much longer 🙅‍♀️ however, I hope that at least you guys are doing well <33

Ohh and if you have recommendations on Xiao or Childe stories here on wattpad then please tell me Bc I feel like I already read all of the good ones :,) so please prove me wrong.

Well then, have a great day / night and never get as sick as I am rn 🙋‍♀️ see you later alligator

~ Author

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