Kennith x Christopher (Confession)

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Kennith had known Christopher for a very long time, Liked him for a very long time too. It had always been awkward when they looked at each other, or if they were alone together. Kennith didn't want to say anything but wanted to say everything at the same time.

Sure, He might have hypnotized the entire nation, and Chris may be The Distortionist, But Kennith didn't know what was happening. He inhaled. "Suck it up, Kennith. You are THE Kennith Simmons. You have made countless people fear you" He breathed quickly. "YOU CAN ADMIT YOUR FEELINGS TO A PALE MARSHMELLO MAN" 

He stood up and walked into the room where Cakey and Makia were. "Guys, Do you know where Chris is?" Kennith said nervously. Makia glanced over at Cakey, Who was grinning. 


"STOP ASSUMING THAT I'M ASSUMING THINGS, BLACK AND WHITE 1930'S CARTOON WOMAN" Cakey said with no change of tone whatsoever. 

Makia scoffed. "He's probably smashing a mirror" Makia said sarcastically.  "Where though" Kennith said, Obviously taken aback. "He's in his room" Makia said calmly. Kennith nodded and walked to Chris's room. He kicked down the door in a odd manner. 

"I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU CHRISPYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" Kennith yelled. Chris jumped and threw his bat across the room, seeing as he was about to smash a mirror.  

"Kennith. What. The. HELL." Chris said annoyed. "I could and would have thrown that metal bat at you!" Chris said, scowling. Kennith gave him a shocked look. Realizing what he just said, Chris felt a tad embarrassed "Sorry, Kennith, I'm just really tired" The pale man said with a sigh. Kennith stood still. Chris calmly grabbed his bat and walked over to Kennith. "Okay, What did you need?" Chris said a bit too calm that it was scary. 

Kennith started sweating "Uhh..." Kennith faltered. He started mumbling incoherent nonsense. "Would you-" Kennith cut himself off "Would you want to be my-" He cupped his mouth with his hands and almost started crying. Chris tilted his head and craned his neck. "My- B-b-b-boy-" Cupping his hands over his mouth once more. 

Chris sighed happily. "Boyfriend?" Kennith uncovered his hands from over his mouth "Yes. That." Kennith said, embarrassed. Chris chuckled and nodded his head cheerfully. Kennith smiled and they both looked at each other awkwardly. Chris leaned closer to Kennith a placed a kiss on his cheek, This made Kennith flush a bright red, almost as a tomato. "apoligies, That was too sudden, wasn't it?" Kennith shook his head no. Chris chuckled and grinned.

Kennith quickly returned the kiss, But... It was on the lips this time.  Both Chris and Kennith flustered instantly. Kennith ran away and started shouting triumphantly. 

Makia sighed. "See? Told you Chris was gay." Cakey said. "Huh. Guess I owe you $20" Makia said.

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