Creative Tock x Caroline (angst)

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      Tock was pacing back and forth. His breaths were heavy and came out in messy unsorted huffs. Tick was injured, and it was all his fault. Caroline walked over to Tock, looking up since the height difference was immense. "Tock, Calm down! It's ok!" She comforted. "No, Caroline. It is not!" Tock retorted, taking his glasses off and cleaning them. "Honestly, I don't even know if she'll survive!" 

      Caroline hugged Tock, smiling weakly. "I think you're overreacting a bit" She claimed. Tock gulped and sat down on the couch. "What even happened?" Caroline asked, furrowing her brow. "Well, I wanted to go to the woods to look for valuable things people had left behind, and I asked Tick if she could climb to the top of one of the trees, and since Tick is... well, Tick, she did it. Then she fell, then had to go to the hospital and it's all my fault!" 

      Caroline rolled her eyes and softly brushed her hand through Tock's hair. "People make mistakes, you know. You can't be perfect" Caroline said. "I know! Just knowing that this entire thing could have been avoided hurts, though..." Caroline shook her head and clicked her tongue. Tock sighed and laid his head on Caroline's shoulder. "I don't know what I'd do without you" Tock smiled. Caroline grinned. "Right back at you, Goofball." She said, planting a gentle kiss on Tock's forehead. 

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