Kennith x Chris (Neither fluff nor angst yet) pt.1

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Hey babygirls its been a while since you've seen


Read me 😂

Here you go gay people and few straight people who read my stuff for some reason


Kennith had been bored for a really long time. Nothing was exciting anymore, and quite frankly, he was getting tired of it. This has got to be at least the tenth time he's wandered aimlessly around his house. He wandered everywhere. The kitchen, the living room, the basement... but then, he remembered his old attic he hadn't been in for a really long time. It's not like he had anything better to do, anyways.

He unlocked the attic door and scrambled up the ladder. He immediately was hit in the face with a waft of dust and the smell of wood chips. Some of the floorboards weren't very safe... splinters were sticking out everywhere. He kinda wished he hadn't come up here barefoot, but what did he care?

He stepped up onto the creaky floor. There were mostly boxes filled with halloween decorations and old picture frames. There was also a random mirror. He had no memory of purchasing the mirror, but maybe his parents bought it before he moved and he unknowingly brought it with him?

Kennith touched his hands to the dusty mirror, and wiped the dust off of it. His reflection was kind of... disappointing. But it started shifting into a weird spiral like image. Kennith took a few steps back. Kennith touched his hand to the mirror again, only this time his hand went straight through the glass as if it was water.

He desperately tried to pull his hand out of the mirror, but something was keeping it stuck. He felt another hand grab his inside of the mirror, which only increased his panic. He wanted to die, but not like this! Kennith kept trying to pull his own hand out, but another hand had grappled onto his own. He slowly was able to pull out his hand, but as he did, a pale one came out with it. Kennith went tumbling back, and the other person fell onto the floor in front of the mirror. "Hey, asshole!" Is all Kennith could muster. Not questioning how he was in the mirror or how he even got in there.

The man slowly tried to get up, but kept falling. He was dressed rather fancily, in a suit and dress shoes. Rather than normal skin, he had pale white skin instead. He looked up at Kennith and looked around hazily. "What the hell...?" Kennith whispered. The man kept trying to speak, but didn't seem to be able to at the moment.

Kennith decided to push his complaints and questions back for a moment. "Are you... okay?" Kennith asked. The boy just shrugged and tried to shakily stand up. Kennith... decided this was a good enough answer. "Can you...speak?" He inquired. He nodded once. "I'm...Christopher." 

Next chapter will be out some time next week pookie-bears 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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