Caroline (Spider on the wall) x Creative Tock (Fluff)

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(Lmao I showed my friend this and they were like "finally, you write about a straight couple. I was like-yeah totally... definitely don't headcanon Tock to be bisexual and Caroline to be pansexual. TOTALLY STRAIGHT HETEROSEXUAL COUPLE OVER HERE)

Caroline turned the dial on the stove up and put the pots on the burners. Tock was overloaded with work, as per usual, and Caroline decided that even though Tock thought she "can't cook for shit" she was going to try. It was the least she could do for him. Caroline walked over to the pantree and reached for the box of noodles, since that was the best she could do. As the water boiled, she sat on the couch and watched The Future Diary. She felt good about herself, she was such a good girlfriend for making Tock food! She was snapped out of her thoughts by the timer ringing, and she made her way back into the kitchen to put the noodles in the pot.

A few hours later, Caroline heard the keys jingling and the click of the doorknob unlocking. Tock made his way through the door, once he walked in the kitchen, he was met with the sight of Caroline putting spaghetti on plates. "Hi sweetie!" Caroline smiled. Tock was shocked. "Oh, darling..." Tock was at a loss for words. "You shouldn't have..." Tock laughed nervously. " shouldn't have." Tock restated, trying his hardest not to gag from the smell of the awful spaghetti. "It was the least I could do for you." Caroline grinned, feeling accomplished.

Tock sat down at the table, grinning nervously. He knew that the spaghetti would taste like shit, Caroline couldn't cook! But she went through all that trouble just to make him feel less stressed, he couldn't hurt her feelings like that. He took a bite of some of the spaghetti, and words could not describe how awful the taste was. It was like rotten tomatoes and spoiled milk blended together. He tried his best not to make a face, but instead forced a smile. "It's great, Caroline! Thanks for making this..." He laughed awkwardly, lying through his teeth. Caroline made a victory smile and pumped her fist in the air. Though Caroline's cooking was awful, Tock did appreciate the thought behind it.

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