Tamari x Cyber (Fluff because yes)

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(I just remembered somebody requested this and I didn't ever write it I am so sorry) 

(This is gonna be pretty short, I kind of ran out of ideas)

Tamari and Cyber were walking outside, and though Tamari didn't really enjoy being outside, Cyber did, so they were just gonna go with it. Then, Tamari had an idea. They leaned over to Cyber and grinned. "Cyber. My hands are cold." They whined. Cyber sighed. "Well, I'm sorry about that." Cyber said gently. Tamari stared at Cyber for a minute, they were getting pretty angry. Tamari fake coughed obnoxiously. "AHEM. I said my hand was COLD." They huffed, holding out their hand. Cyber glanced over at Tamari and laughed. "What do you want me to do about it?" Tamari groaned, waving their arms around. "You know what I'm talking about!" Cyber suppressed another laugh. "Maybe I do. Could you just tell me what it is you want?" At this, Tamari just grabbed Cyber's hand and held it. "Ohhh! That's what you meant!" Cyber teased. Tamari sighed. The two continued walking.

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